BioWare, 1998
Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS 和 Android
BioWare, 1998
Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS and Android

自 1997 年《最终幻想 7(Final Fantasy VII)》发行以来,人们写了很多文章,讲这款游戏是如何改变了日式角色扮演游戏(JRPG)的命运。1998 年,《博德之门》横空出世,让整个电脑角色扮演游戏(CRPG)行业焕然一新,但与此相关的文章却凤毛麟角。
90 年代中期,与风头正盛的毁灭战士(Doom)类第一人称射击游戏、即时战略游戏、以及愈发流行的主机游戏相比,CRPG 显得黯然失色。有些游戏开发者寻思行业是否已经走入了死胡同。不过,《博德之门(Baldur's Gate)》的出现让 CRPG 重新赢得玩家的关注。其全球销量超过两百万份,当时的业界新秀 BioWare 也从此变得家喻户晓。
《博德之门》并非当时唯一一款 RPG 游戏,一年前,备受推崇的《辐射(Fallout)》系列出现在公众视野,其口碑与《博德之门》不相上下,但销量与后者不可同日而语。《博德之门》之所以如此畅销,部分原因在于它将风靡一时的《高级龙与地下城(AD&D)》游戏规则与易上手的即时策略战斗系统合二为一。此后,这一机制也深受同类型游戏开发者欢迎。试想,在主角与敌人打得不可开交时,只需按下空格键,战斗画面就会瞬间定格,这样,玩家就能让六位分工明确的角色在战斗中步调一致,配合默契。
It's often written about how Final Fantasy VII changed the fate of Japanese RPGs upon its release in 1997. Much less is written about how, one year later, Baldur's Gate revitalised the CRPG genre.
After the genre tapered off during the mid-90s, losing its appeal to “Doom-clones”, RTS games and the rising popularity of consoles, some CRPG developers were left wondering if they had coded themselves into a corner. Baldur's Gate, though, managed to bring them back to the spotlight, selling two million copies worldwide and forever elevating the recently founded BioWare into a household name for CRPGs.
It's not that it was the only CRPG around. The revered Fallout series began a year before, to similar critical acclaim – but only a tiny fraction of the sales. Part of the appeal behind Baldur's Gate comes from the popular Advanced Dungeons & Dragons ruleset, here applied to a friendly real-time-with-pause battle system that has since become one of the most beloved in the genre – think an RTS where the space bar pauses the action, providing players tight control over a party of six highly specialised characters.
《博德之门》是第一款采用无限引擎(Infinity)的游戏,这个大名鼎鼎的游戏引擎还曾用于《冰风谷(Icewind Dale)》系列与《异域镇魂曲(Planescape: Torment)》。2012 年,民间开发出一款“开源版”无限引擎——GemRB。
Baldur's Gate was the first game to use the legendary Infinity Engine, which also powered the Icewind Dale games and Planescape: Torment. In 2012 fans created GemRB, an open-source version of the engine.

Exploration is unique, as key locations are connected by “empty” roads and wilderness areas you must cross, making the world more immersive.
如此,战斗便与偌大世界的探索有机结合。这是一片广袤的天地,位于“被遗忘的国度”(Forgotten Realms)[1] 。地图错综复杂环环相扣,包括一座囊括六张地图的城市——“博德之门”。探索过程中,大大小小难度各异的遭遇战比比皆是。
虽然严格来说,《博德之门》并不是一个开放世界游戏,但不同地图彼此连通、玩家探索的自由度之大(几乎可以探索所有地方),让这款游戏虽非开放世界,却胜似开放世界。对一片区域地毯式搜索、驱散原本笼罩此处的“战争迷雾”(fog of war)后,玩家就会得到奖励,这让人乐在其中,欲罢不能。当然,奖励的额度也是恰到好处,不至于让你觉得,无论走到哪,都能碰上一大堆金闪闪的宝藏。
地下城自然是必不可少,如果一不小心误入迷阵,那么玩家还会遇上满地的陷阱。遗憾的是本作并没有龙。根据 AD&D 规则,由于该游戏存在等级上限(具体上限由小队成员人数决定),因此玩家很难有机会参与“屠龙级”战斗。抛开这点不谈,就敌人的多样性而言,很少有作品能与《博德之门》相提并论。
AD&D 规则也让游戏的角色系统变得丰富多彩,玩家有极大的自由,能设计出众多个性独特、独一无二的主角模板。游戏过程中,主角也会遇上形形色色的可招募同伴。基于此,Bioware 扎实的角色塑造功力才能发挥得淋漓尽致。
Battles are then seamlessly integrated into the exploration of the huge world, a vast region of Forgotten Realms composed of several interlocking maps – including the six-map wonder that is the eponymous city of Baldur's Gate – peppered with combat encounters of varying challenge levels.
While not strictly an open world, the way the maps interlocked with one another, and the fact that you could (mostly) freely explore them, made Baldur's Gate feel like one. There was an addictive feeling to mapping out the areas as you advanced and cleared the map's “fog of war”, and exploration was rewarded often, but not often enough to make it feel that anywhere you went there were “shinnies” waiting for you.
In fact, Baldur's Gate is often a masterclass on the art of using useless space. Many buildings are enterable, but have little of interest inside. Many maps are just odd stretches of forest with little more than a couple of enemy encounters. The world, then, exists because the world does not solely exist, as in many moderns games, as a playground for the player. This makes it feel more real, and makes it feel more meaningful on the rare occasions when you do find something unique and useful to you.
Dungeons are ever-present, of course, littered with traps, if unfortunately light on puzzles. Dragons are notoriously absent, due to a hard level cap (often modded out by min-maxing players) that would make such encounters near impossible in accordance to the AD&D rules. Other than that, the game's enemy variety has seldom been surpassed.
The AD&D ruleset also powers a rich character creation system, offering players a lot of freedom to craft their own, unique protagonist – later joined by a colourful cast of companions which would set the foundation for BioWare's character writing.
1 译者注:被遗忘的国度由 Ed Greenwood 在 1967 年创作,后来在 Dragon 杂志发表并连载。这一时期加入的许多构想成为被遗忘的国度的核心设定。大量小说和许多电脑游戏(圣者三部曲,博德之门系列、冰风谷系列和无冬之夜系列等)都曾采用这一设定。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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