Hanako Games, 2011
Windows, Mac 和 Linux
Hanako Games, 2011
Windows, Mac and Linux

令人惊讶的是,受《哈利·波特》启发的游戏居然如此之少。当然,是有重现电影的官方授权游戏,但《魔法日记(Magical Diary)》所带来的趣味远多于此:
你是一个被送去类似“霍格沃兹”的魔法学校就读的女孩,在那里你必须得上课、交朋友,尽全力过好校园生活。显然游戏从《美少女梦工场(Princess Maker,1991)》和《魔法学院(Academagia,2010)》中获取了灵感,但是采取了一种更加轻松易懂的方式呈现。
It's quite surprising how few Harry Potter-inspired games there are. Sure, there are licensed games that recreate the movies, but what Magical Diary does is far more interesting: it lets you create your own character and join a magical Hogwarts-like school, where you must attend classes, make friends (or lovers) and try to survive school life. It's clearly inspired by Princess Maker (1991) and Academagia (2010), but with a more light-hearted and accessible presentation.
2020 年,续作《Magical Diary: Wolf Hall》发售,场景设立在同一所学院,但是主角被设定为男性魔法师。同时初作改名为《Magical Diary: Horse Hall》。
In 2020 a second game called Magical Diary: Wolf Hall was released, set in the same school but with a male wizard as main character. The first game was renamed Magical Diary: Horse Hall.

Using clever solutions, like teleporting a monster away instead of fighting it, awards you school merits.

Your character has four personality attributes: Smart, Strong, Cute and Weird. Your choices will define your personality and open new options.
《魔法日记》精妙地将有 RPG 元素的视觉小说形式与优秀的魔法系统融合起来。每周,你必须制定自己的日程安排,选择上哪种魔法课程,最终则会学到咒语(spells)。游戏中一共有五所魔法学院,每所魔法学院各有十二种咒语,外加十六种需要在两所学院取得一定成绩才能学会的组合咒语。因此,未来可是有诸如寻魂咒(Find Spirits)、反魔力场(Anti-Magic Field)和石化术(Stoneshape)等七十余种魔法在等待着你。
这些魔法虽然可以时不时地用来解决(或是引发)日常中的问题,但地下城的部分才是重头戏。你偶尔会有被传送到地下迷宫并以逃离为目标的考试。试炼内容可能是追杀你的怪物,可能是与你敌对的巫师,或者就只是一条巨大的鸿沟。至于解决的办法就要看你自己了。例如,为了躲避怪物的追杀,你可使用杀伤性的咒语干掉它,将它传送走,把自己传送到出口;可以分散它的注意力,也可以吓跑它、催眠它、让它隐形,甚至只是在迷宫中挖出一条隧道来逃跑。游戏系统极为丰富多样,为玩家提供了一个法师理应拥有的多样选项,而不是像许多“真正的”RPG 中那样只是当一个四处丢火球的远程输出手。
Magical Diary expertly combines visual novel tropes with RPG elements and a fascinating magic system. Each week you must decide your schedule, choosing which magic classes to attend. The game features five magic types, each with 12 spells, plus 16 combination spells that require points in two schools. So you're looking at over 70 spells to play with, such as Find Spirits, Anti-Magic Field and Stoneshape.
These can occasionally be used to solve (or cause) daily issues, like using a spell to cheat at the arcades. However, they really shine at the dungeons. Every month you'll have to take tests that teleport you to a maze and require you to reach the exit. The challenges range from a monster hunting you to a race with a rival wizard, or just a big chasm to cross. And the solutions are all up to you. For example, to escape the monster you can kill it with damage spells, teleport it elsewhere, teleport yourself to the exit, distract it, scare it away, blind it, put it to sleep, turn invisible or even simply dig a tunnel across the maze. It's an extremely rich system that really feels like actual spellcasting, instead of simply shooting fireballs everywhere.
The big downside of Magical Diary is how short it is. Even slowly reading everything for the first time will take you only about five hours, and there's simply not enough room to explore its magical system. Many spells only have one use in-game, so you're likely to end without casting even half of your spellbook. The cast is also very small, with only two teachers in the entire school. Still, the game is quite replayable. It's fun to learn different spells to try new solutions on the dungeons, and the story can go into unexpected places depending on how you choose to act.
Don't let prejudice put you off; Magical Diary is a solid experience that brings a much needed breath of fresh air into the genre.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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