Piranha Bytes, 2017
Windows, PS4 和 Xbox One
Piranha Bytes, 2017
Windows, PS4 and Xbox One

《ELEX》是一款第三人称 RPG,背景设定在一个广阔、充满派系斗争的开放世界中,作为老牌德国游戏工作室 Piranha Bytes(后文简称 PB)的作品,它几乎完全符合了玩家对该工作室作品的预期。然而,《ELEX》没有沿用该工作室其它作品的奇幻设定,取而代之的是一个后启示录世界(Apocalyptic World)[1] ,这里存在一种与游戏同名的“ELEX”准魔法科技。
拿我之前玩 PB 游戏(尤其是《哥特王朝 3》(Gothic 3))的经历来看,这款游戏的整体质量和技术稳定性得到了极大的提升。不同于 PB 之前那些 BUG 层出不穷的游戏,《ELEX》运行相当流畅,我没有碰到任何影响游戏流程的恶性 BUG 和存档损坏的情况。考虑到本作那巨大的地图、非线性流程外加上完全没有等待加载的过程,能有这样的稳定性实在令人印象深刻。
ELEX is almost exactly what you should expect from Piranha Bytes by now; a third-person RPG set in an expansive, faction-based and open world. However, the previous fantasy settings have been substituted for a post apocalyptic world featuring a quasi-magic technology based on the eponymous ELEX.
What elevated this from my previous experience with PB games (Gothic 3 in particular) was the greatly improved level of general quality and technical stability. Unlike previous adventures, performance was uniformly excellent and I didn't run into a single broken mission or corrupted save. This is impressive when you consider how expansive and non-linear the world is and the complete absence of loading screens.
ELEX 有多个可用 MOD,但必须要用的 MOD 只有一个:Elex Overhaul,它彻底地调整了游戏的平衡性。
There are several mods for ELEX, but the only must-play one is ELEX Overhaul, which fully re-balances the game.

The jetpack that you will come into possession of almost immediately is a welcome novelty, creating new possibilities for traversing the world as well as in combat.

Although the game ultimately plays out in a similar fashion regardless of the path you take, the paths themselves can be very different depending on your allegiances and choices.
糟心的是,毒害《哥特王朝》和《崛起》(Risen)系列的战斗系统也保留了下来,而且愈发恼人。不出所料,《ELEX》鲜有等级平衡机制(Level Scaling)[2] 或是“里技”(Gated Content)[3] ,游戏相当艰难的开局会削弱你玩下去的欲望。这在 PB 的游戏里已算作是司空见惯了[4] ,没什么特别好的办法,只能硬着头皮玩下去。然而这种困境会持续很长一段时间,原因仅仅是战斗难度机制不合理,当多个敌人同场时,难度堪称变态。
另外,游戏里的不同阵营与各类怪物之间也会互相攻击,玩家可以灵活利用这点,在战斗中取得优势:引诱一只强大的巨魔冲入智械族(Albs)[5] 的阵线中,他们的数量优势就不复存在了,之后只剩轻松愉快地摘下胜利果实。
在玛伽蓝(Magalan)大陆[6] 上进行有趣的探索之旅是《ELEX》真正出彩的地方。从建筑物的单独布局和室内陈设,再到许多讲述了这个后启示录世界中的故事的书面和音频记录,如此细致的制作水平令人赞不绝口。我在玩的时候花费了大量额外的时间四处探索并收集战利品,还在地图上留下了许多路标,以便我的角色足够强大了再来攻略这些地点。
Unfortunately, the clumsy and often aggravating combat that has frequently marred the Gothic and Risen series in the past also makes a return. As you would expect from an RPG with very little level scaling or gated content, it begins in frustratingly difficult fashion. That is par for the course with a PB game and I wouldn't have it any other way. Still, this situation persists for a long time simply due to the mechanical difficulty in engaging in combat, especially when multiple foes are involved.
On the other hand, the game allows for dynamic behaviours between the different factions and roaming monsters which you can use to your advantage. Luring a powerful troll into what would otherwise be an overwhelming group of Albs is an enjoyable and legitimate method to gain an advantage over your foes.
ELEX offers three factions that you can join; the nature-loving Berserkers, the technology-worshipping Clerics and the profiteering scavengers, the Outlaws. These act as defacto classes, although you are granted a lot of freedom in determining your character skills and equipment. Quests boil down to the typical archetypes; find something, deliver something, kill something. Despite this, there is a large amount of variation and role-playing opportunities.
What really sets ELEX apart is that the world of Magalan is a joy to explore. The level of meticulous hand-crafting on display is admirable, from the individual layouts and furnishings of buildings to the many written and audio logs that illuminate some of the events surrounding the end of the world. I spent far longer than I needed to rifling through the various locales, looting and making notes of areas to return to when I had the skills necessary to survive.
Ultimately, if you are seeking opportunities for exploration and adventure and can persevere through some initial frustration, then play ELEX now.
1 译者注:《圣经》的《启示录》一章中所描述的预言发生以后的时代,也就是“世界末日”之后。
2 译者注:电子游戏的一种机制,敌人等级会根据玩家等级做出相应的调整,也只会掉落与 玩家等级相近的装备,以免破坏游戏平衡性。
3 译者注:电子游戏中一类隐藏的实用技巧,通常不会出现在教学演示中,学会后会使游戏乐趣增倍(或减半),可能是遗留的 BUG 或是开发者故意为之。
4 译者注:Piranha Bytes 的游戏有一个共性:如果能忍受某些蹩脚的设计,就能获得极佳的游戏体验。
5 译者注:《ELEX》中的种族,冷酷无情,只遵循逻辑行事。
6 译者注:游戏中的主舞台。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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