From Software, 2011
Windows, PS3 和 Xbox 360
From Software, 2011
Windows, PS3 and Xbox 360

谈到《黑暗之魂(Dark Souls)》,首先不得不提的是《恶魔之魂》(Demon’s Souls)。《恶魔之魂》是一款发售于 PS3 平台的动作 RPG ,尽管在上线之初反响平平,销量惨淡,但是随着时间推移,它却越来越受到玩家的忠诚拥护与追捧(索尼一开始并没有为此作提供各国语言的本体化,后来发现这个决定实乃大错特错)。《恶魔之魂》的魅力体现在众多方面,不过在玩家之间广泛得到认同的优点有它极富挑战性但公平的难度设置,完善且平衡的战斗系统,巧妙的关卡设计,出色的哥特氛围塑造,以及具有开创性的多人联机模式。[1]
《黑暗之魂》在此基础上添砖加瓦,打造出一个地图之间无缝衔接、紧密联系的世界。制作团队加入了更多游戏内容和多人游玩的形式,相比起来,《恶魔之魂》就像是为了后来诞生的《黑暗之魂》进行的一次 beta 测试。
To talk about Dark Souls, one has to first talk about Demon's Souls. An Action-RPG released on PlayStation 3 to little initial fanfare (to the point of being passed over by Sony for localisation, , a decision they later came to regret) it gradually acquired a cult following. There are many reasons for its appeal, but the most often cited ones are its unforgiving but fair difficulty, methodical and balanced battle system, smart level design, well-realised starkly gothic setting, and unique, entirely novel asynchronous and synchronous multiplayer features.
Dark Souls builds upon this foundation, adding a seamlessly traversable, interconnected world with even more content and multiplayer opportunities into the mix, making Demon's Souls feel like a beta test for what would become Dark Souls.
In terms of plot, Dark Souls is minimalistic, and it depends upon players piecing together background information presented in item descriptions and environmental clues to fully understand its lore. It takes place in a universe where many humans are cursed with the “Darksign”, forcing them to wander the earth for eternity, reviving after each death, slowly losing their humanity. Players are cast into the role of the “Chosen Undead”, and must end this curse.
《黑暗之魂》发售之初是作为 PS3 的独占作品,没有 PC 版。但粉丝们发起了一个线上请愿活动,收到超过 93,000 人的署名;开发公司都震惊于玩家对 PC 版的热烈呼声。
Initially there were no plans for a PC port, but fans created an online petition and gathered more than 93,000 signatures, surprising the developers.

游戏中的 NPC 往往古怪而有特色,各自的支线任务会随着你的游戏进度而推进,并且受你的行为选择影响,与主线紧密相关。
The eccentric NPCs in Dark Souls present an organic style of side-quests, as their stories progressing as you play, shaped by your actions.
在这段艰难的旅途中,玩家会与许多 NPC 相遇。他们性情各异,追寻着自己的目标与使命,有时言行也让人难以理解。这些 NPC 支线的发展和主线剧情一样并非一眼可见,玩家需要去仔细挖掘。玩第一遍的时候,如果没有查看过攻略,玩家可能都不会注意到某些 NPC 的个人支线在推进,也不会意识到自己的选择产生了影响。[2]
对比来看,《黑暗之魂》在众多的 RPG 中属于拥有开放式结局和地图结构,不严格遵从职业设定的动作 RPG。玩家会在角色创建页面选择初始职业,但这只影响到出生时的加点分配、初始装备及法术。之后玩家可以在升级时把点数分配给任何属性,只要达到属性下限,就能够使用任何武器和法术。
游戏中的存档和复活机制非常独特,而且和故事相契合。就像《异域镇魂曲》(Planescape: Torment),你扮演的角色是一个拥有不死身的人,但是《黑暗之魂》的区别在于严苛的死亡惩罚。由于存档地点有限并且无法手动保存,你要为自己的每一个决定负责。死亡后你会自动回到上一个休息过的篝火(相当于存档点),但会失去所有的魂量(相当于游戏中的货币,用以购买物品和升级)。
Over the course of this endeavour, they'll interact with eclectic – and often eccentric – NPCs, many of which are involved in their own quests. Like the main story of the game, most of these side-quests and their outcomes are not immediately obvious, and need to be discovered. In fact it could well be the case that anyone playing the game for the first time and without accessing third-party information will not even realise that they are happening, and that their actions might have changed some outcome.
Analysing Dark Souls in comparison with other RPGs, it falls into the category of classless ARPGs with an open story and world structure. While players choose a starting class when creating their character, it only serves to determine their initial stat distribution, as well as starting equipment and spells. Afterwards, every character can freely distribute points to various stats at level-up, and use any given equipment or spell as long as they meet its requirements.
The mechanics of saving and death are quite unique, and linked intrinsically with the game's story. As in Planescape: Torment, you play a character who is essentially immortal. However, unlike that game there is a strict penalty for death, and saving is constant and automatic, meaning you must endure every choice you make. Upon death, the game returns you to the last bonfire (serving as checkpoints) you rested at, and all your Souls (the game's currency, used both to purchase items and to level up) are lost.
You may retrieve them where you died, but dying again while trying to do so will result in them disappearing forever. This rather unforgiving system has earned the game its reputation for difficulty, together with the requirement for careful exploration and concentration in every battle, which we will discuss next.
1 译者注:《恶魔之魂》的线上功能让玩家既能参与实时的联机合作和 PvP,也能看到世界各地玩家在不同时间段的游玩痕迹,以留言的方式呈现,并且能够留下自己的留言。PS3 原版的《恶魔之魂》服务器已于 2018 年 2 月关闭,有幸的是,玩家社区自发创建了民间服务器,保留了大部分在线功能。目前由 Bluepoint Games 重制的《恶魔之魂》已于 2020 年 11 月在 PS5 平台发售。
2 译者注:由于《黑暗之魂》没有设置任何形式的雷达小地图和任务列表,玩家无法从 UI 界面得知主线及支线的进度,也看不到 NPC 在什么位置(而且由于地图庞大,一周目没有攻略的帮助下也很难找全所有人)。值得一提的是,基于《黑暗之魂》的世界观哲学,几乎所有 NPC 的支线结局都是围绕着“传火”和“活尸化”这两个等同于“拯救世界”和“世界末日”概念的悲剧,也更加从叙事层面上体现出玩家扮演的天选不死人的使命之重大。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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