Origin Systems, 1990
Origin Systems, 1990
MS-DOS, Mac and SNES

在为《创世纪六(Ultima VI)》开发了昂贵的 16 位引擎之后,Origin 决定使用此引擎来开发一系列小规模的衍生作品,称为《创世纪外传(Worlds of Ultima)》。
《洪荒帝国(The Savage Empire)》就是本系列的第一部作品,玩家的角色被送往 Eodon 的迷失之谷——一个有原始部落和史前恐龙组成的类似迷失之地的世界。这是受到通俗杂志及艾伦・昆特梅恩(Allan Quatermain)小说的影响。
After developing an expensive 16-bit engine for Ultima VI, Origin decided to use this new engine to produce a series of smaller scaled Ultima spin-offs, titled Worlds of Ultima.
The Savage Empire was the first of said series, sending the Avatar to the Lost Valley of Eodon, a Land of the Lost-like world populated by primitive tribes and pre-historic dinosaurs, heavily inspired by pulp magazines and the Allan Quatermain novels.
游戏说明书是一本设计成 50 年代风格的通俗杂志,内容有游戏情节、物品、部落和敌人,以及一次假的关于开发人员们的探险。
The game's manual was stylised as a 50s' pulp magazine, covering its plot, items, tribes and enemies, as well as a fake expedition by the developers.

Savage Empire features cutscenes at key moments of the game, moving beyond the usual beginning and ending cutscenes.

Getting around the huge valley can be tricky, as you’ll have to pack food, fend off dinosaurs and navigate a mazelike landscape.
山谷中的众多部落都类似于地球上存在过的不同种族,如典型的非洲文化、波利尼西亚、尼安德特和亚洲文化。除了这些人类部落和之前提到过的恐龙,《洪荒帝国》还拥有更多奇幻生物:蜥蜴人部落,阿兹特克机器人,被叫做 Myrmidex 的巨型蚁族——他们是游戏中的主要敌人。
作为“化身”,你的目标是将不同的种族团结到一起,以击败 Myrmidex 从而为 Eodon 带来和平。每个部落都以典型的《创世纪》形式希望你帮助他们完成一些任务,以表示对他们的支持。这些任务从抢救酋长的女儿到阻止熔岩流淌再到给霸王龙下药以便给它脖子上挂铃铛,任务种类十分丰富。
游戏玩法与《创世纪六》十分相似,熟悉《创世纪六》的玩家将会再次看到那粗陋的用户界面,回合制的战斗系统以及 NPC 的日夜活动时间表。新的制作系统功能十分强大,你可以给动物剥皮,使用烤炉烧制陶罐,甚至将硫磺、木炭、硝酸钾制成火药。技能系统有了较大的改动:角色必须通过精神祭品来释放相当有限法术(总共只有九个)。
在《洪荒帝国》中,角色不会拥有创世纪系列的传统 NPC 伙伴如伊洛、杜普尔或沙米诺(Iolo,Dupre,Shamino)。取而代之的是一群看上去就非常熟悉的当地人加入进来,这些人恰巧和你之前的那些朋友十分相似,他们叫特里奥罗、多克雷和沙穆鲁(Triolo,Dokray,Shamuru)。化身也可以选择与勇敢的艾拉(Aiela)或是她的养妹特莉丝塔(Tristia)发展恋爱关系——这是 CRPG 史上首次出现这种互动。
The valley's numerous tribes all resemble various different ethnic groups from Earth's past, including stereotypical African, Polynesian, Neanderthal and Asian cultures. Along with these human tribes and the aforementioned dinosaurs, The Savage Empire also features more fantastical creatures, such as a lizard-like tribe, Aztecan automatons and evil giant ant-people called Myrmidex – the game's main antagonists.
Your goal as the Avatar is to bring all the different warring tribes together to defeat the Myrmidex and bring peace to Eodon. In typical Ultima fashion each tribe expects you to accomplish some tasks in order for them to pledge their support. These tasks range from rescuing a chief's daughter and blocking a lava flow to drugging a T-Rex and hanging a bell on its neck.
The gameplay is very similar to Ultima VI – those familiar with it will feel right at home with the clunky UI, turn-based combat system and day-and-night NPC schedules. The new crafting system is robust, allowing you to skin animals, use ovens to bake clay pots and even grind sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate to make gunpowder. Another big difference is the magic system: the Avatar must make spirit offerings to cast a rather limited amount of spells (only nine in total).
In The Savage Empire the Avatar won't meet his traditional companions from the main Ultima series, like Iolo, Dupre or Shamino. However, he'll be joined by rather familiar-looking natives who just so happen to closely resemble his friends, such as Triolo, Dokray and Shamuru. He'll also have the choice to romance the brave warrior Aiela or her adopted sister, Tristia the first interaction of this kind in CRPGs.
While Savage Empire is much smaller in scope than the main Ultima games, it still manages to retain the exploration, quest structure and semi-open world aspects of Ultima VI, offering a solid experience.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明