哥特王朝 3(Gothic 3)可能是有史以来最具野心的游戏之一。它试图达到《上古卷轴(The Elder Scrolls)》系列的规模,还要兼具 Piranha Bytes 在系列前作所展现出的特有的情节深度——《哥特王朝》系列也因此饱受赞誉。但想做出杰作,光有野心是不够的。不过,如果把《哥特王朝 3》比作一款未经雕琢的璞玉,也似乎显得过于轻描淡写。
游戏接续前作结局,无名的主角来到大陆,兽人已经占领了米尔塔纳(Myrtana)王国。虽然在前作里,兽人不过是一帮野蛮人。但本作的兽人更像是《星际迷航(Star Trek)》里的克林贡人(Klingon),而非托尔金笔下的“铁憨憨”[1] 。这些兽人有着崇尚力量的尚武文化,很有纪律性,主张权利的分配与个体的才能息息相关,有很强的正义感。这个设定上的变化很重要,让玩家从更积极的角度去审视这个种族,甚至愿意与它们结盟。而《哥特王朝 3》声望值系统的趣味性,在所有游戏里可谓数一数二。
Gothic 3 might be one of the most ambitious games ever attempted, trying to rival The Elder Scrolls for size but with the specific depth that Piranha Bytes showcased in their much-lauded Gothic series. But greatness is not made by ambition alone sadly, and saying this game is a gem in the rough would be an understatement.
Following on Gothic 2's ending, the nameless protagonist now reaches the mainland, where the Kingdom of Myrtana is under Orc subjugation. While Orcs in the previous games were just savages, the mainland conquerors are less Tolkien and more Klingon. They have an orderly warrior culture based on strength, but also a meritocracy with a strong sense of justice. This change was necessary to push the player towards possibly thinking of the Orcs in a positive light, maybe even allying with them, as Gothic 3 features one of the most interesting reputation systems ever attempted.
The Orcs and the human rebels (as well as other factions) have their own rating for the hero and raising it will grant access to new quests, gear and areas. Moreso, each town has its own individual rating, and when it is high enough the hero is allowed to see the town's leader. From there he can decide to overthrow the current establishment or crush the dissidents.
《哥特王朝 3》因为海量的闪退 bug 而饱受诟病,玩家将其评为“年度最令人失望的游戏”。社区补丁(Community Patch)修复了大多数游戏漏洞,目前得到游戏开发商正式背书。
Gothic 3's release was plagued by game-breaking bugs, which led to bad reviews and a “Disappointment of the Year” award. The Community Patch fixed most issues and is now officially endorsed by the game's publisher.

《哥特王朝 3》的战斗系统很有问题,无论面对哪一种敌人,只要你抢先出手,每次攻击都会让对方陷入僵直,令其毫无还手之力。
Gothic 3’s combat is fundamentally flawed, as you can stun-lock almost any enemy simply by attacking first.
声望值系统也不仅仅局限于米尔塔纳临时王国中的人族与兽人。《哥特王朝 3》的游戏世界丰富多彩,横跨三个区域,囊括数十个城市,在沙漠覆盖的南方大陆瓦伦塔(Varant),玩家也要做出类似的阵营选择:赫萨辛派(Hashishin)与诺曼派(Nomads)。可惜的是,冰天雪地的北域诺达莫尔(Nordmar)的任务线很单一,只能帮助当地的野蛮人(Barbarians)对抗兽人的统治。这张游戏地图设计得颇为潦草,完成度较低。
不过,虽然存在种种问题,玩家依然能从决定地方元首进而影响世界的过程中收获乐趣。游戏的自由度很高,不会刻意引导你在什么时候做什么事,你可以四处探索、为所欲为,哪怕在开局,看任何人不顺眼,都可以送他归西。虽然大多数任务的剧情谈不上丰富,但根据玩家结尾所支持的阵营,游戏共有三种结局,还会在结尾以幻灯片的形式交代关键人物的结局。虽然听上去还凑合,但《哥特王朝 3》本可以达到更高的水平。
This system isn't limited just to the Orcs and human rebels in the temperate kingdom of Myrtana. Gothic 3's world is huge, spanning three regions and over a dozen towns, with a similar faction choice to be made regarding the Hashishin and Nomads who live in the southern desert land of Varant. Unfortunately, the northern arctic region of Nordmar only has quests that allow siding with the local Barbarians against the Orcs, as such, the whole area just feels unfinished.
Sadly, that feeling pervades the entire game. While the idea of growing your reputation in each given city is amazing, in practice it's less so, since it mostly boils down to performing fetch quests. Some of these are well-contextualised, like playing spy for the Orcish mercenaries, but for the most part they are menial jobs like getting meat or killing wolves for each town and village – an exercise in pure tedium.
To top this off is the fact that there isn't much interconnectivity between factions. You can complete quests in all towns and need only decide which side to take during the endgame, which makes it shallow and much less replayable than previous Gothics, where they forced you into a faction from the start. This is further reinforced by the fact that if more than a few towns are freed or rebellions crushed then the defeated factions will attack you on sight, something which isn't explained to the player in any way.
But even with all that there's a sense of wonder to be derived from actually impacting the world by deciding who will rule each town. The game doesn't hold your hand and allows you to go anywhere, do anything and kill anyone from the start. And while the story is almost non-existent for most of the game, there are three possible endings based on the faction you end up supporting, plus slides showing the fate of key characters. Yet, Gothic 3 could have been so much more.
1 译者注:托尔金在中土世界里塑造的兽人形象大多空有武力,毫无智谋,也没有自己的文明,只是索伦的走狗。而星际迷航的克林贡是一个好战的外星种族,有着高度发达的文明。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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