MegaCrit, 2019
Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, PS4等
MegaCrit, 2019
Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, PS4, etc

《杀戮尖塔》(Slay the Spire)于 2017 年首次在 Steam 发布早期抢先体验版(Early Access),它将 roguelite 机制与由《皇舆争霸》(Dominion)等游戏在桌游领域普及而来的卡组构筑概念[1] 相结合。每一轮游戏中,玩家从四个职业中选择其一,并试图登上神秘的尖塔顶端。传统的 RPG 角色的职业技能、能力和武器全部囊括在一套卡牌之中。
游戏包含两个部分:主世界部分和遭遇战。主世界是一个基于节点的地图,灵感来自《超越光速》(FTL,2012)中的战区地图(sector map)。这些节点通常是战斗,但也可以是各种事件、含有遗物的宝箱、出售卡片和其他升级项的商店,或者是玩家可以恢复部分生命值或永久增强一张卡片的营地。地图有时会出现多条分支,玩家必须在这些路径中做出选择。游戏中的三个场景各自对应一张地图,每一个场景都以一场 BOSS 战作为结束。
First released into Steam's Early Access in 2017, Slay the Spire married roguelite mechanics to the deck-building concept, popularized in the tabletop realm by games like Dominion. In each run, players choose one of four classes and try to make it to the top of the mysterious Spire. A deck of cards takes the place of a traditional RPG character sheet, representing the class's skills, abilities, and weapons.
There are two halves to a Spire run: the overworld section and combat encounters. The overworld is a node-based map, inspired by the sector map in FTL (2012). These nodes are usually battles, but can also be events, treasure chests containing relics, shops that sell cards and other upgrades, or camp sites where players can recover a portion of their HP or permanently enhance a single card. The map occasionally branches into multiple paths, which players must choose between. Each of the game's three acts takes place on its own map, and each act ends in a boss fight.
Combat is where all the deck-building decisions are put to the test. Each round, five cards are drawn; and players can play any number of them, so long as they can meet the cards' energy costs (characters start with three energy by default). Card effects vary wildly, but at a basic level the game is about balancing defensive play with offensive output.
《杀戮尖塔》于 2017 年底在 Steam 上发布了早期试用,并在流媒体中大受欢迎,在 2019 年 1 月全面发布之前,销量超过了 100 万套。
Slay the Spire was released in late 2017 on Steam's Early Access and became a hit among streamers, selling over a million units before its full release in January 2019.

The overworld section allows you to pick a starting path and plan ahead based on upcoming encounters, as well as occasionally decide which branch to follow.
敌人在行动前会表明他们的意图:一把剑的符号意味着他们将要攻击(他们的确切伤害由数字显示),一个盾牌意味着防御,一个紫色的漩涡意味着他们准备用状态效果影响你,如此等等。在玩家完成他的回合后,敌人开始行动,玩家手中任何未使用的牌会被弃置,新的一回合开始[2] 。
这个简单的循环随着额外卡牌的获得而变得越来越复杂。每次战斗结束后,玩家可以选择将新的卡牌加入他们的卡组。这些选择主要来自 75 张职业专属的卡牌,另有 56 张“无色”卡牌[3] 会在事件和商店中出现,还有 14 张“诅咒”卡牌[4] 会以各种方式被强行添加到卡组中。当然,就像任何卡牌游戏一样,移除卡牌和添加卡牌一样重要,但移除的机会很少,有时会在随机出现在事件中出现,或者可以在商店以越来越高的价格移除卡牌。
MegaCrit 的联合创始人 Anthony Giovannetti 深受卡牌游戏《安卓纪元:矩阵潜袭》(Android: Netrunner)的熏陶[5] 。《矩阵潜袭》专注于有趣的、各具特色的流派,这在《杀戮尖塔》不同的职业卡组中也能找到相似之处。每个职业开始时都有一套基本卡组,主要由基本的攻击和防御卡组成,同时还有一些更高级的卡,表明一个职业的特殊专长,并揭示了可以进行构筑的方向。这些固有的可能性通过遗物得到进一步加强,遗物(relic)是通过探险获得的非卡片型物品,提供被动型效果。
每个职业都有其首选的战术,由卡组构成获得暗示,并随着时间的推移通过反复游戏而内化。例如,像法师一样的故障机器人(Defect)就倾向于专攻几种元素魔法中的一种。但 roguelite 基因带来的随机元素确保了每套卡组即使遵循了熟悉的策略,也总会有独一无二的感觉。
Enemies indicate their intentions before acting: a sword symbol means they're going to attack (their exact damage shown by a number), a shield means defend, a purple swirl means they're preparing to hit you with a status effect, etc. After a player finishes their turn, the enemies act, any unused cards in the player's hand are discarded, and a new round begins.
This simple loop becomes increasingly elaborate as additional cards are acquired. After each battle, players have the option to add new cards to their deck. These choices are mainly drawn from a catalog of 75 class-specific cards, but 56 “colorless” cards turn up in events and shops, and 14 “curse” cards can be inflicted on a deck through various means. Of course, as in any tabletop deck-builder, removing cards can be just as important as adding new ones; opportunities to do this are rare, coming erratically through random events or purchased at shops for increasingly steep prices.
MegaCrit co-founder Anthony Giovannetti comes from the Android: Netrunner card game scene. Netrunner's focus on flavorful, asymmetrical factions finds a parallel in Spire's class card sets. Each class starts with a basic deck, comprised mainly of rudimentary attack and defense options, alongside a few more advanced cards that indicate a class's particular specialties and suggest directions in which the deck can be built. These inherent possibilities are further enhanced by relics, which are non-card items acquired through questing that provide passive benefits.
Each class favors certain overarching tactics, implied by its card set and internalized over time through repeated playthroughs; for example, the wizard-like Defect likes to specialize in one of several elemental magics. But the random elements brought about by the roguelite DNA ensure that every deck, even when it adheres to familiar strategies, feels unique.
1 译者注:Deck-building,是桌游中的经典机制,玩家需要在游玩过程中不断购买、调整、优化自己的卡牌,从而达成强力的组合效果。首个以 deck-building 作为主要机制的桌游是 2008 年由Donald X. Vaccarino 推出的《皇舆争霸》(Dominion,也译作《领土》),至此之后该玩法一炮而红。
2 译者注:这里介绍了一些最基本的规则,而游戏中有着各种各样的道具和卡牌效果,使你获得超越规则的能力,比如抽更多牌,获得更多能量,回合结束不弃牌,额外获得一个回合等。如果构筑得当的话,甚至能达成名副其实的“无限回合”。
3 译者注:不同职业的卡牌用不同的底色作为区分,无色卡则是全职业通用。
4 译者注:诅咒卡往往会带来负面效果,但也有利用诅咒进行构筑的流派。
5 译者注:他本人是这个游戏的忠实粉丝,并专门为游戏打造了一个在线社区。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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