风堡传奇(Castle of the Winds),是我小时候玩过并通关的九十年代 CRPG 游戏中为数不多的还有点印象的游戏,部分原因是它可以作为共享软件,为商业发行的第二部分故事做准备,所以第一部分比较短。除此之外,它有一种令人上瘾的魅力,既来自于它的 roguelike 瓷砖式的地下城探索,也来自于它简洁的基于窗口的界面。
游戏最初是 1989 年由里克・萨达(Rick Saada)在 MS-DOS 中使用 Windows 图形外壳开发的一款游戏雏形,在 1993 年由 Epic MegaGmes 发布了续集。在第一部分《复仇问题(A Question of Vengeance)》中,你将扮演一个孤儿,你必须为你的家乡被毁而复仇,并取回被盗的你父母给你的护身符。在经过两座地牢并击败一个头目之后,你会找到护身符,激活它后你就可以将角色导入到第二部分,副标题名为《利弗森斯的祸根(Lifthransir’s Bane)》,该部分有更大的城镇和更多的物品、敌人和战斗。城镇里有一个 25 层深的地牢,里面有更多的 Boss 和怪物。
《风堡传奇》能在 CRPG 历史上占据显著地位,是因为它将北欧神话和令无数玩家痴迷的地下城探索机制融合到了最早的 Windows 界面操作中去。如今看来 Windows 赋予了它实用主义的美感,与其他地下城探索类游戏不同,它是依靠鼠标与自定义界面来操控的。
Castle of the Winds is one of the few CRPGs I remember playing and winning as a child of the 90s, partly because it was available as shareware to set up the commercially released second part of the story, so the first part was shorter. Beyond that, it has an addictive charm derived both from its roguelike tile-based dungeon-delving and its clean window-based interface.
Originally produced in 1989 as an early piece of software using the Windows graphical shell in MS-DOS by Rick Saada, it was released with its sequel in 1993 by Epic MegaGames. In the first part, A Question of Vengeance, you are an orphan who must avenge the destruction of your hometown and retrieve a stolen amulet given to you by your parents. After two dungeons and a boss, finding and activating the amulet allows the character to be imported into the second part, subtitled Lifthransir's Bane, which features a much larger town and many more items, enemies, and encounters. Its deep dungeon has 25 levels with multiple bosses and monster hordes.
What earns Castle of the Winds a notable place in CRPG history is its unique blend of Norse mythology and addictive dungeon crawling in one of the earliest Windows-based graphical interfaces. Today that gives it a utilitarian aesthetic but, unlike most roguelikes, its gameplay is mouse-driven with a drag-and-drop inventory and a customisable spell button bar.
There are no classes or races, so characters can use every item and spell. A new spell is granted each level, and more can be learned from books. The game is entirely turn-based, but time passes in varying increments depending on actions taken. Inventory is measured in both bulk and weight, so packs can run out of room even if the PC can carry more weight.
1998 年里克・萨达(Rick Saada)在网络上免费发布了《风堡传奇》的两个部分。
In 1998, Saada released both parts of Castle of the Winds as freeware on his website.
地牢一旦生成后级数就保持不变。你也会遇到一些设定好的情节,如令人难忘的魔药蜘蛛房间,或是限时释放的囚犯。敌人有很多种:人类、幻想生物、亡灵,还有北欧神话中的冰霜巨人(Jotun Giants)。
The dungeon levels are persistent once generated, plus a few have set encounters, such as a memorable potion-shaped spider room, or a prisoner to free within a limited time. Foes include vicious wildlife, humans, standard fantasy creatures, undead spirits and specifically Norse monsters like jotun – giants.
While some aspects of the game are very simple, Castle of the Winds has enough complexity to satisfy that itch to explore dungeons, increase in strength and tackle ever fiercer enemies.

基于 Windows 的游戏界面和使用鼠标与下拉菜单的操作方式使得《风堡传奇》与其他游戏区分开来。
The Windows based interface sets the game apart from others of the time, with its drop-down menus and mouse-driven gameplay.

物品与属性都十分简单,界面也直观易懂,那些对 roguelike 类游戏不熟悉的人也能够快速上手。
The stats and items are simple, and the graphical interface is very intuitive, keeping the game accessible to those new to roguelikes.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明