Spike Chunsoft, 2015
Windows, PS4 和 PSP Vita
Spike Chunsoft, 2015
Windows, PS4 and PSP Vita

2010 年,一款名为《片道勇者(One Way Heroics)》的“roguelike”游戏在日本横空出世。这款由 SmokingWOLF 开发的游戏为其所在的类型带来了一个精妙的创新:玩家的目标不再是往地下城更深层探索,而是向东方进军,逃离吞噬万物的黑暗。
游戏的每个世界都是随机生成的,但你可以记下它们的编码以便多次游玩同一个世界,或是与朋友分享。游戏每天都会推出不同的特殊世界,比如三倍经验获得或是包含隐藏 NPC 之类限时触发的事件。你还可以通过更改四个难度档和禁用元游戏辅助的选项来自定义游戏的难度。
该作在全球范围内大获成功并于 2014 推出了追加拓展,其中添加了新的职业、道具、地形并改进了 UI。
In 2010, a roguelike called One Way Heroics was released in Japan. Developed by SmokingWOLF, it added a clever twist to the genre: instead of exploring deep dungeons, your goal is to march east, running from an all-devouring darkness.
The game plays much like a traditional roguelike: it's turn-based, has permadeath, unidentified items, etc. But, like an old-school side-scrolling game, the screen automatically moves right – if you're slow, you die.
This adds a whole new dimension to the game. Not only must you worry about items and enemies, but also consider terrain and time – “can I get in and out of that house and grab the treasure chest before the screen reaches me? If not, can I break its wall?”
Initially, your goal is to walk east until you find the Demon Lord and defeat him, but things get more elaborate as you play. Every time you finish the game (or die) you're rated on how many enemies you killed, levels you gained, distances you walked, money you gathered, and feats you performed. This score earns you points used to unlock new classes, perks, NPCs, quest givers and other metagame features.
This mitigates the frustration of permadeath, as even in death you get a sense of accomplishment. Your first playthroughs will also be quite short and simple, slowly expanding as you pursue harder challenges.
Each world is randomly generated, but you can note down their code, visiting the same world multiple times or sharing them with friends. Each day the game offers special worlds, with events like 3x Experience or secret NPCs, that are available only for a limited time. You can also customise the difficulty, with four settings and the option to disable the metagame aid.
The game was quite successful worldwide, and in 2014 it received the Plus expansion, which added new classes, items, terrains and UI improvements.
原版《片道勇者》的配乐非常优秀。你可以用 “OWH Music”mod 把重制版中的音乐替换成原版的。
The original One Way Heroics had an excellent soundtrack. You can use the OWH Music mod to play the remake using these songs.
正是这样一个非比寻常的改变使得开发商 Spike Chunsoft[1] 注意到了这款游戏并相中了它,随后与 SmokingWOLF 达成了协议,将《片道勇者》以他们旗下《不可思议迷宫(Mystery Dungeon)》[2] 系列衍生作的形式进行重制。
于是就有了《不可思议编年史:片道勇者(Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics)》[3] ,该作非常忠于原版,加入了二十五种职业、优秀的美术风格并对一些故事和游戏机制进行了微调。它还添加了多人竞技模式,但遗憾的是极少有人在线。
In an unusual turn of events, developers from Spike Chunsoft saw the game and loved it, cutting a deal with SmokingWOLF to remake One Way Heroics as a spin-off of their Mystery Dungeon series.
The result is Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics. Extremely faithful to the original, it offers 25 classes, great artwork and some slight changes to the story and mechanics. It also added a competitive multiplayer mode, but sadly it's very rare to find anyone online.
Despite these upgrades, some fans still prefer the original game with the Plus expansion, disliking the remake's balance changes and weaker soundtrack.
Regardless of version, One Way Heroics remains an excellent game, accessible and challenging while offering a new twist to the roguelike genre.

A thick wall or a monster with a lot of health can be deadly, locking you in place until the screen reaches your character.

游戏把角色属性变成一种可消耗资源:雇佣 NPC 当同伴时需要消耗魅力,而学习咒语需要消耗的则是智力。而你可以在一开始选择特性来提升属性。
The game uses stats as a resource: hiring NPCs as companions costs Charisma, while learning spells cost Intelligence. You can boost stats by choosing Perks at the start.
1 译者注:Spike Chunsof 是由 CHUNSOFT 和 Spike 合并而来的一家游戏公司。目前是多玩国的全资子公司,同时也是 KADOKAWA 的连结子公司。代表作品:《喧哗番长》系列、《不可思议的迷宫》系列。
2 译者注:不可思议迷宫(日语:不思议のダンジョン,罗马字:FushiginoDungeon)是一系列 roguelike 游戏的总称,其大多数游戏都由 Chunsoft 开发,虽然所有的游戏日版名名称都包含"不可思议迷宫"这串字,但只有风来之西林使用了原创角色,剩下全部作品的角色都来自其它角色扮演游戏系列的授权。
3 译者注:本作日版的名称是《不可思议编年史:直到胜利永不回头》(不思議のクロニクル 振リ返リマセン勝ツマデハ),而欧美版为则命名为《不可思议编年史:片道勇者》(Mystery Chronicle:One Way Heroics),这里为了和原版游戏《片道勇者》(One Way Heroics,“片道勇者”则是国内的译名)产生对照关系,顾采用了后者的译名。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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