BioWare, 2010
Windows, Xbox 360 和 PS3
BioWare, 2010
Windows, Xbox 360 and PS3

质量效应(Mass Effect)已然成为一个叫好又叫座的作品,BioWare 在这之后又花费了三年时间来对其续作进行打磨。BioWare 和 Electronic Arts 无不为最终的成果感到高兴,因为无论在销量上还是口碑上《质量效应 2(Mass Effect 2)》都超越了其前作(Metacritic[1] 网站评分 89 vs 94)。但这部作品真的是一个更好的 RPG 作品吗?我对此持否定态度。
游戏中的文本内容充分表现了这部游戏的矛盾性。游戏的主线剧情几乎可以在史上最烂剧情里排上号:在游戏开始时薛帕德(Shepard)死了,但随即就被一个恐怖组织复活并被迫为其工作,不断地为了一个特殊任务收集资源,拉拢盟友。因为槽点实在过多,我推荐读者直接阅读 Shamus Young 对游戏剧情的独到分析。
然而游戏中的重头戏在于对队友的塑造,包括他们的招募过程和忠诚任务。本作中对队友的刻画算得上 BioWare 作品中的标杆。虽然这些角色称不上特立独行,还多少有点工具化和刻板化的倾向,但每一个角色都被塑造的十分立体,呼之欲出。与之相关的招募任务和忠诚任务也都十分出彩。
The original Mass Effect was both a critical and a commercial success, and the BioWare team had three years to polish the sequel. Mass Effect 2 ended up selling more copies and winning more awards (Metacritic 89 vs. 94), so both BioWare and Electronic Arts were surely happy. But is it really a better RPG? My answer would be no.
A better game? Possibly. It's a paradoxical game, that suffers from what seems to be executive meddling and a design-by-committee approach.
The best element to showcase this schizophrenia is the writing. The main plot ranks among the worst video game plots in existence – it starts with Shepard getting killed, then resurrected and forced to work for a terrorist organisation, gathering allies and resources for a special mission. Its flaws are too many to list here and I recommend readers to check the excellent dissection by Shamus Young (linked to the left).
However, the companions and their recruitment and loyalty missions, which form the majority of the content, are some of BioWare's best. While the companions themselves are hardly unique and suffer from the “sexier and edgier” treatment, they are mostly well-written and the quests, first to recruit them and later to ensure their loyalty, are excellent.
Shamus Young 详尽地分析了《质量效应》三部曲的故事和世界观,并着重关注了从《质量效应》到《质量效应 2》的转变。这篇分析可以在他的网站中找到
Writer Shamus Young wrote an extensive and detailed analysis of the Mass Effect trilogy's story and world-building, especially the changes from ME1 to ME2. It can be found on his website:

Character-building has been changed. Dialogue and non-combat skills have been removed, but new powers can be learned from your companions.
对我来说,《质量效应 2》最大的变化就是加入了与《战争机器(Gears of War)》(Gears of War)十分相似的掩体系统。我看不懂这个改变的意义,因为原版的战斗系统并没有什么问题。而且这一系统和特殊能力配合的不太好,进入掩体后生硬的视角操控令瞄准变的十分困难。
为了强化游戏的射击元素,原版中的武器冷却系统被移除了——欢迎回到换弹匣的时代!毫无疑问,这样的调整必然会引起没必要的吃书[2] ,而且这项改动也显得有些意义不明,因为游戏里遍地都是子弹,打都打不完。即使一个全程“突突突”的战士也不会遇到弹尽粮绝的危险。
不同职业的特殊能力和技能树也被大幅修改了。它们被改的无足轻重,也不如上一作中那样有趣。小队构成也变的无关紧要,因为你的队友在大部分战斗中都发挥不了什么作用。因为这些问题的存在,制作组又不得不将每个关卡都设计成适合任何职业的玩家。这一荼毒了《无冬之夜(Neverwinter Nights)》的设计在这部游戏中惨遭重演。
More races of the galaxy are represented in the team than were in the first Mass Effect, and through the companion stories the surrounding world is expanded. Unfortunately the encyclopaedia from the first game still exists and is utilised as a crutch by the writers – however it's unnecessary to actually consult it, as all the information that the player needs is conveyed by the companions.
Technically, the sequel has not made any notable changes. To this day, the game still looks and sounds good, though it is fairly obvious that the levels are small and the obvious waist-high walls are always a clear signpost that combat is about to start.
Which brings me to Mass Effect 2's big change: mechanically, the game has been turned into a cover shooter, similar to Gears of War. It's a puzzling change as mechanically there was nothing wrong in the combat of the original. It doesn't work too well with the special powers either, as aiming them is somewhat cumbersome with this new stiff camera.
To further reinforce the similarities to shooters, gone is the overheating mechanism – we're back to the safety of magazine reloads. Naturally, this change required a nonsensical retcon of existing lore and it really serves no purpose, as bullets are so liberally spread around that there is absolutely no danger of ever running dry, not even if you are a soldier and thus use guns for every encounter.
The special abilities of various classes and their skill trees have also been overhauled. They weren't that interesting in the original and now they are largely meaningless. Every encounter is possible to complete with any squad composition as your teammates are largely useless, thus levels had to be designed to accommodate every class that Shepard could be – a similar issue that plagued Neverwinter Nights.
1 译者注:一个英文评分网站,会同时收集相关媒体和一般用户对于一部作品的评分。
2 译者注:虽然有些强行,但 BioWare 还是成功地在设定上把这个问题圆了回来,并且在之后的《质量效应:仙女座》中采用了多种换弹方式并存的设计。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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