Strategic Simulations, Inc., 1988
MS-DOS, Amiga, Apple II, C64 和 NES
Strategic Simulations, Inc., 1988
MS-DOS, Amiga, Apple II, C64 and NES

光芒之池(Pool of Radiance)是以费伦大陆月之海为背景的四款系列游戏中的第一款。也是由 SSI 公司所发行的广受赞誉的“金盒子”系列产品的第一款。(由于使用同一引擎且封面包装底色都采用金色,因此被称为“金盒子系列”)
《光芒之池》从一开始就提供了角色扮演的基本要素:玩家需要通过《龙与地下城》的种族与职业来创建一个多达 6 个角色的冒险小队。
Pool of Radiance would be the first in a series of four computer role-playing games set in the Forgotten Realms Moonsea region. It would also launch the acclaimed and influential “Gold Box” titles developed by SSI – so called due to the iconic golden boxes they were packaged in.
The first officially licensed Dungeons & Dragons computer game, it faithfully adapted the extremely popular AD&D pen-and-paper rules to the virtual environment for the first time, paving the way for many games to follow. A remarkable feat at the time, the game packed a meticulous implementation of the expansive ruleset, from its spell book and combat mechanics to a statistically accurate bestiary. Even the monster portraits can be traced to AD&D's 1st Edition Monster Manual, recreated in pixelated form. Other iconic mechanics adhered to include resting and the time needed to heal or memorise spells.
From the very start Pool of Radiance provides the basics of the role-playing genre, requiring players to create a party of up to six characters, built from AD&D's multiple races and class combinations.
1987 年,在为 Intellivision 开发制作了两款游戏之后,TSR 宣布他们希望将《龙与地下城》授权给一家电脑游戏公司。Origin、EA 和 SSI 是最后的竞标者。SSI 以一个跨越多种类型游戏的广泛性计划获胜。
In 1987, after two console games for the Intellivision, TSR announced they would like to license D&D to a computer game company. Origin, EA and SSI were the final bidders. SSI won with a broad plan of various games across multiple genres.

You can create a party of up to six characters, customizing their portraits and combat icons. Then play them all the way to Pools of Darkness, reaching epic levels of power.
游戏探索是第一人称的。通过 3D 视图可以进入类似于《冰城传奇(The Bard's Tale)》系列的奇妙世界。界面虽然笨拙且缓慢,但是单独的角色表显示了人们期望从桌面游戏中获得的所有重要信息。玩家必须学会追踪命中率、THAC0、盔甲等级、库存和法术书,这就还原了笔和纸的普遍感觉。
当外交手段失败,战斗开始时,游戏将切换到“等距”视图,这种显示方法来自于《巫师神冠(Wizard's Crown)》,游戏中玩家的角色以图标表示(你可以自定义你的角色图标)。战斗中移动与站位至关重要,游戏以战术回合制来与敌人进行对抗。游戏中有很多令人印象深刻的大型战斗,有的甚至一次有几十个敌人。
The heroes would then begin at the port city of Phlan, motivated by fortune or glory to win back the city from its monstrous overlord. A novel feature, Pool of Radiance is a mission-based adventure, with characters receiving assignments from the Council, or taking up tasks that are completely optional. The open nature of its structure allowed players to go about quests in any order, and most objectives could be accomplished through multiple solutions.
Exploration is done in first-person; with a 3D view port window into the fantastic world – similar to The Bard's Tale series. The interface is clunky and slow, but individual character sheets display all the vital information one would expect from the tabletop game. Players must learn to track hit points, THAC0, armour class, inventories and spell books, contributing to the pervasive feel of pen and paper.
When diplomacy fails and a battle begins, the player is switched to a top-down “isometric” view of a field, derived from Wizard's Crown. The characters are represented by icons (you can even customise yours), and movement and positioning is crucial. Staged against foes in tactical turn-based resolution, the game boasts some impressive large-scale battles, sometimes with dozens of enemies at once.
Also featured is the overland map. Upon leaving the city or one of the many dungeons in the outskirts, the party is changed to representation by a single icon in order to traverse the open land. This includes the possibility of random encounters, discovering new locations or other hidden secrets.
After finishing Pool of Radiance, players may transfer their heroes to the next game in the series, all the way to the fourth game. Characters can progress in a sweeping campaign, similar to ongoing play with pen and paper, reaching epic power levels.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明