Strategic Simulations Inc., 1986
Atari ST, DOS, Apple II 和 C64
Strategic Simulations Inc., 1986
Atari ST, DOS, Apple II and C64

作为早期 CRPG 之一,《神戒传奇(Rings of Zilfin)》可以让你领教到游戏可以做到多么的与众不同。本作采用了轻 RPG 机制,并独特地融合了《国王密使(King's Quest)》风格的冒险方式与街机般快节奏的战斗设计。
游戏的主题情节依旧是比较俗套的“拯救世界”,但这过程又更曲折一些。大概讲的是,邪恶的主宰者 Dragos 得到了传说中的“神戒”之一,并以此掌控了 Batiniq 世界。而玩家的目的就是得到另外一枚“神戒”,彻底消灭主宰者 Dragos。
游戏世界被划分成数块区域,例如村庄、森林、山脉、地牢和沙漠等,而玩家需要做的就是穿越这些地区收集物品、购买装备、同 NPC 交谈、寻找线索再偶尔与敌人作战什么的……
游戏中的许多战斗都需要玩家与敌人一招一式地在地面上战斗,玩家可以挥砍、近距离用法术或使用弓箭攻击敌人,而面对空中敌人单位时,玩家就要像《太空侵略者(Space Invaders)》那样从下至上地射箭或发射法术飞弹发动攻击。
Rings of Zilfin is one of those early CRPGs that really makes you wonder how differently the genre could have evolved. The game is a unique mix of light RPG mechanics with King's Quest styled adventure and fast-paced arcade-like battles.
The plot is the usual save-the-world fare, but it's played with some twists. The world of Batiniq is threated by the evil Lord Dragos, who has one of the two legendary Rings of Zilfin. Your rather ambitious goal is to somehow get both rings for yourself and use them to destroy Dragos once and for all.
The world is divided into a series of locations, such as villages, forests, mountains, dungeons and deserts. You must journey the land, collecting items, purchasing equipment, talking to NPCs in search of hints and battling the occasional enemy.
Most of these foes are fought in the ground, in real time; you can slash them with your sword, cast spells or use the bow at point-blank range. However, some foes are flying creatures that must be shot down with the bow or with projectile spells – Space Invaders-style.
Your endurance will go down with each hit you take, but you'll also have to manage fatigue, which is necessary to perform actions such as attacking, casting spells or just travelling. Luckily, there are plenty of magical mushrooms and healers in Batiniq.
However, while Zilfin has an interesting world, it bears a critical flaw. Instead of directly travelling from one area to another, you must always go through a long and repetitive side-scrolling journey, battling monsters, collecting food and resting. These journeys all look and play exactly the same, which gets boring really fast, especially when you must cross a large number of areas. You'll eventually gain access to a teleport spell that speeds things up, but few players will still be playing by that point.
这真的非常让人失望,尤其是在其他部分设计精良的情况下。哪怕考虑到是为了 CRPG 新手而作,这游戏都显得过于简单。不过考虑到《神戒传奇》是著名的《英雄传奇(Quest for Glory)》系列游戏前身,这一切就都解释得通了。
《神戒传奇》的制作人 Ali Atabek 于 1989 年开发了《魔法之烛(The Magic Candle)》系列,使得他那些有趣的游戏创意焕发了第二春。
It's disappointing really, for the rest of the game is surprisingly smooth and well-crafted, even though it's an easy game, clearly designed for beginners. It wouldn't be far-fetched to consider Rings of Zilfin a lost precursor to the famous Quest for Glory series.
The creator of Zilfin, Ali Atabek, would move on to develop The Magic Candle series in 1989, where a few of these concepts would get a second and much more enjoyable chance to shine.

Night Birds might appear during your travels. You must quickly shoot them down, in Space Invaders fashion, or they will call more monsters.

城镇和村庄提供商店、疗养院和酒馆等场所。与 NPC 交谈将为你的任务成功提供重要线索。
Towns and villages provide healers and places such as shops and taverns. Talking to the NPCs will provide important clues to succeed in your quest.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明