Relic Entertainment, 2009
Windows Linux 和 Mac
Relic Entertainment, 2009
Windows Linux and Mac

发售于 2004 年的初代《战争黎明(Dawn of War II)》是一个基于《战锤 40K》世界观的知名 RTS 游戏。然而它的续作却大幅变更了游戏玩法,并成为了一款独特的即时战术 RPG。
诸如基地建造和资源采集等 RTS 元素被移除出了本作[1] 。你在游戏中控制的是一支由四个单位组成的小队,每个单位都有独特的特质和技能。
The original Dawn of War, released in 2004, was a very popular RTS based on the famous Warhammer 40k license. Its sequel, however, dramatically changed the gameplay into what can be described as a unique real-time tactical RPG.
Gone are RTS elements such as base-building or resource-collecting – you now control a squad of four units, each with their own personality and skills.
《战争黎明 2》的合作模式和多人模式最初基于 Windows Live 运行,后来在 2014 年末被转移到了 Relic 自己的服务器上。直到此时游戏仍有不少玩家。
DoW2's co-op and multiplayer mode were originally tied to Windows Live, but were moved to Relic's own servers in late 2014. To this day they remain quite popular.

You control your squad in real time, using tactics, cover, skills and items to best survive the game’s overwhelming odds.

From dozen of weapons and accessories to jetpacks, relics, Terminator armour and even giving into Chaos, there are a lot of customisation options.
在战役模式中你将操控圣血天使战团(Blood Angels)[2] ,尽力阻挡一场泰伦虫族(Tyranid)入侵。游戏中的故事和支线任务都十分丰满,而且全程都有优秀的配音。《战争黎明 2》同时也是一个颇具难度的游戏。游戏只有一个存档位置,而且你一旦在某次行动中失败,你可能会无法再次尝试该任务,整场入侵也可能因此变的更为危急。
你的单位会在战斗中逐渐成长,你可以在此过程中自定义他们的技能和装备,游戏的战利品系统也颇有些《暗黑破坏神》(Diablo)的风范。《战争黎明 2》中的小队系统做的尤为出色。游戏给予了玩家巨大的自由,你可以让他们的技能互相配合,也会找到诸如终结者装甲(Terminator armour)和动力剑(Power Swords)之类让战锤粉丝会心一笑的装备。
游戏的第一部资料片,《混沌崛起(Chaos Rising)》,对几乎每个方面都进行了提升,尤其是原作中那重复乏味的任务。除了装备和敌人,游戏还加入了腐化度系统,没能完成可选目标或是走捷径都可能会加深混沌对你的腐化。
游戏的第二部资料片《惩罚(Retribution)》好坏参半。它包含了六个势力:星际战士(Space Marine),灵族(Eldar)[3] ,混沌(Chaos)[4] ,帝国卫队(Imperial Guard)[5] ,兽人(Ork)和泰伦虫族。不幸的是,这些势力的战役全都基于同一套枯燥乏味的模板,RPG 元素也在游戏中被大幅削弱。战役模式直接套用了包含资源采集和单位建造的多人游戏系统,玩起来就像 Relic 自家的《英雄连(Company of Heroes)》的山寨版一样。
但《惩罚》也带来了“背水一战”(Last Stand)模式这一重大更新。在这个模式中三个玩家将每人选择一个单位,合力对抗一波又一波的敌人,并在战斗中不断获得更多的经验和装备。
随着《战争黎明 3(Dawn of War III)》回归了其 RTS 的初心,《战争黎明 2》成为了独树一帜的存在。直至今日,它仍在不断吸引着战锤粉丝和寻求快节奏挑战的玩家。
The campaign casts you as Blood Ravens trying to stop a Tyranid invasion. There are many stories and optional missions, all presented by great voice acting. Dawn of War II can also be very hard – it has only one save slot and failing a mission might lock you from retrying it or give time for the invasion to advance.
Your units all gain experience as they battle, allowing you to customise their skills and equip them with the Diablo-like loot you find. This aspect of DoW2 is extremely satisfying – there's a lot of freedom in how to build your squad so their abilities complement each other, and finding items such as Terminator armour and Power Swords will have any 40k fan grinning.
The first expansion, Chaos Rising, improves upon everything, especially the rather repetitive missions. Besides items and enemies, it adds a corruption system – optional objectives are presented and failing them or choosing the easy path will taint you with Chaos.
Those seeking to remain pure not only need to carefully approach each mission, but also refrain from using tainted equipment – which is far more powerful. Your corruption level also affects the game's ending.
The other expansion, Retribution, is a mixed bag. It features six factions: Space Marine, Eldar, Chaos, Imperial Guard, Ork and Tyranid. Unfortunately, they all must play the exact same dull missions and the RPG elements have been heavily cut. These campaigns now use the same system as the game's multiplayer matches, with resource-gathering and unit-building similar to a “lite” version of Relic's own Company of Heroes.
Retribution's big addition is the Last Stand mode, where three players pick a unit each and combine to fight waves of enemies, earning XP and loot as they play.
With Dawn of War III returning to its RTS roots, DoW2 remains a one-of-a-kind title, recommended for 40k fans and those seeking a quick-paced challenge.
1 译者注:游戏的遭遇战与多人游戏中仍然保留了资源采集和单位建造等元素。
2 译者注:此处为原作者笔误。玩家在战役中扮演的战团为血鸦战团(Blood Raven)。尽管可以在多人游戏中使用圣血天使战团的涂装,但圣血天使战团本身并未在本作中登场。
3 译者注:本作中出现的灵族势力仅有方舟灵族(Craftworlds),其余灵族势力均未在本作中登场。
4 译者注:本作中出现的混沌势力仅有混沌星际战士(Chaos Space Marines),其余混沌势力均未在本作中登场。
5 译者注:后来由于版权等原因,Games Workshop 放弃了“帝国卫队”这一叫法,并将该势力的正式名称改为了“星界军”(Astra Militarum)。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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