Obsidian Entertainment, 2016
Windows, OS X, Linux
Obsidian Entertainment, 2016
Windows, OS X, Linux

在这个以奇幻的青铜时代为背景的游戏中,邪恶的一方成为了赢家,本作沿用了备受青睐的无限引擎 RPG 模式[1] 。游戏中的凯洛斯(Kyros)帝国征服了整个已知世界,而玩家扮演的角色则是其帝国中的一位命运绑定者[2] (Fatebinders),其任职包括外交官(diplomat),刺客(assassin),将军(general),法官(judge),冒险家(adventure)等十多种。
Evil has won in this fantasy bronze age game that iterates upon the esteemed formula of Infinity Engine RPGs. The empire of Kyros has all but conquered the known world and the player serves as one of his Fatebinders, a mix of a dozen different roles from diplomat to assassin to general to judge to adventurer.
The premise represents a clear desire to explore more complex scenarios than most fantasy games but different themes require different gameplay experiences to fully shine. During the past-shaping text introduction, the protagonist executes feats that paint them as a living legend. But afterwards, the game reveals its core gameplay of looting crates, getting companions and killing scores of foes.

《暴君》以一个 CYOA 片段开始,描述了角色的过去,并且塑造了一个活生生的传奇人物。
Tyranny begins with a CYOA segment where you shape your character’s past, performing feats worthy of a living legend.

Combat is RTwP, similar to Pillars of Eternity but with only 4 party members and a heavy focus on cooldown-based abilities.
经过一番新手指引之后,你便迫不及待地想要去处理一些实际的事情,像是资源问题,外交问题或者是战斗问题,而并非是很多人以为的低级 RPG 类核心内容。
With such an intro you would expect to solve issues related to logistics, diplomacy or battlefields but instead the core of the game is the usual low-level RPG tropes most have come to expect.
The more interesting aspects of being an occupying force are sparse, but there are moments that shine such as the trial of one of your peers that killed soldiers engaging in sexual assault. The player can ignore this, condemn them out of loyalty or help them wiggle out via legal loopholes. This moment is just a bog-standard dialogue tree at its heart but it showcases the types of situations that should have defined Tyranny.
This is all the more disappointing since the reputation system is worthy of praise. It tracks multiple factions and individuals with all kinds of modifiers as rewards. There are impactful choices to make here, no doubt, unfortunately the writing is not up to snuff to make them feel meaningful. The vast majority of the time you engage with “badass” fantasy stereotypes which in turn paints over the more uncomfortable civilian situations relating to mass subjugation that naturally arise from the premise of Tyranny.
What is left is a game with a pitifully small enemy variety and whose battles become aggressively boring due to the large health pool of enemies and the repetitive nature of the cooldown-based abilities. And yet again, the potential is there: the spellcasting system is actually novel; modular spells are created via runes the player finds throughout the game but the encounter design to make this system shine just isn't there.
In the end, Infinity Engine games were, generally, fantasy adventures done well. In comparison, Tyranny is a game of conquest and political intriguing done badly. No number of peripheral changes will placate the discord between the creative vision behind the Fatebinder role and the loot & kill type of core gameplay.
1 译者注:无限引擎是 Bioware 开发的 2D RPG 引擎,该引擎诞生出不少经典之作,当时那几年被称为 RPG 的又一个黄金年代。
2 译者注:命运绑定者可以理解为是暴君凯洛斯的执法者以及审判官。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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