BioWare, 2017
Windows, PS4 和 Xbox One
BioWare, 2017
Windows, PS4 and Xbox One

《质量效应》三部曲无疑是游戏史上最重要且最受欢迎的游戏系列之一,因此想要在此基础上制作一份续作将会是个繁重的工程。鉴于在三部曲中故事已经完结,接手本系列的 BioWare 蒙特利尔工作室决定重新开始,在一个全新的星系讲述一群全新角色的故事。
他们的野心很大:他们想要重新为玩家带来经典太空类 RPG 的探索体验,就像《行星控制》(Star Control)和《星航》(Starflight)的模式,并往游戏里加入成百上千个程序生成的星球(这个想法还早于 2016 年《无人深空》(No Man’s Sky)的公布)。可惜的是,将如此庞大的世界与 BioWare 的叙事结合起来是件难以完成的挑战。再结合其开发过程中的人员流失,以及寒霜引擎带来的问题,让游戏几年的开发成果都付诸东流。最后《质量效应:仙女座》(Mass Effect: Andromeda)的大部分内容都是在开发过程的最后 18 个月中仓促拼凑起来的。
The Mass Effect trilogy is easily one of the most important and beloved video game series ever, so making a sequel was always a monumental task. With the original story concluded, development went to a new team at BioWare Montréal, who decided to start anew, with new characters in a new galaxy.
They had a bold vision: to recreate the exploration of classic space RPGs like Star Control and Starflight, with hundreds of procedurally generated planets (this was before 2016's No Man's Sky reveal). Sadly, combining such massive scope with BioWare's storytelling proved itself a overwhelming challenge. This, plus issues with staffing and EA's engine, Frostbite, led to years of work being scrapped. Most of the ME:A we got was hastily put together in the last 18 months of development.
记者 Jason Schreier 发表了一篇对《质量效应:仙女座》开发和发行的深入探讨文章。详情请点击这里查看。
Journalist Jason Schreier published an in-depth examination of ME:A's development and launch. Read it here.

ME:A replaces the famous renegade/paragon dialog options for four different tones: casual, emotional, logical and professional.

Combat is the best in the series, adding melee weapons, new powers and a lot of mobility thanks to the jetpack.
由于游戏发行时还是个半成品,导致其很快就变成了一个笑话,人们不断地嘲弄游戏中多如繁星的 bug,垃圾的对话以及奇怪的动画:角色一直都是一脸迷茫的表情,即使在调情和悲伤的时候也如此。虽然游戏中最恶性的 bug 都被解决了,但修补之后更加暴露了游戏的主要缺陷:剧本。《质量效应》是一个因角色塑造而富有盛名的游戏系列,但在《仙女座》中我们只看到了各种角色以一脸奇怪的表情说出令人尴尬的台词。而在这方面的缺乏使得游戏代入感极差,当然也让游戏的口碑不佳。
而且开发周期过短也意味着这几个星球也非常的空洞,特别是那些可以开着载具探索的大型星球。你仅仅是在这个无比开放的环境中跟着任务标记走,同时顺手收集一些用于锻造和升级的资源。这根本就是育碧版的开放世界,里面充满了无数看了就忘的 NPC,而完全不像一个 BioWare 会做出来的 RPG。
诚然,这游戏没有呈现出其最初设想的“无人深空式“的 RPG,但是游戏里的星球探索还是其最棒的部分了。每个星球都做的很漂亮,战斗手感也是系列最佳,其新加入的喷气背包也让玩家有了更多的垂直机动性,尽管除开一些简单的平台跳跃区域游戏并不会强迫玩家使用喷气背包过关。
《质量效应:仙女座》不是款很糟糕的游戏,但它确实是一款很糟糕的《质量效应》游戏,完全辜负了粉丝心中对《质量效应》续作和 BioWare 作品的期望。在《仙女座》中,你找不到那些富有魅力的同伴、有趣的选项以及具有沉浸感的故事,你只能通过它稍微猜到一点点“无人深空式 RPG”可能会有多棒。
Released while still unfinished, the game quickly became an online joke, mocked for its multiple bugs, bad dialogs and weird animations – characters look permanently confused, even when flirting or grieving. While the worst cases were patched, they exposed the game's main flaw: the writing. Mass Effect was a series known for its characterization: seeing awkward lines of dialog expressed through uncanny facial animations killed any emotion – and ME:A's reputation.
Story-wise, you play as the Pathfinder, responsible for guiding colony spaceships to settle new planets in the Andromeda galaxy while uncovering the mystery behind ancient alien ruins. This setup would indeed be perfect for a scavenge hunt across multiple worlds but, without the procedural generated planets, the game follows a linear story structure similar to the original games, focusing on just a few planets.
However, the short development time means these few planets still are rather empty, especially the larger ones where you can drive vehicles. You explore these large open environments by following quest markers while collecting resources for crafting and upgrades, making it all feel more like a Ubisoft open-world game with forgettable NPCs than a classic BioWare RPG.
Still, while it doesn't deliver the original goal of being a “No Man's Sky RPG”, the planet exploration is the game's best part, as its planets are gorgeous, the combat is the best in the series, and the introduction of jetpacks adds a welcome sense of verticality, even if it's rarely enforced outside simple platforming sections.
Mass Effect: Andromeda is not a terrible game, but it is a terrible Mass Effect game, that fails to deliver on what fans came to expect from the series and from BioWare. You won't find charismatic companions, interesting choices or engrossing stories here, only faint glimpses of how great a “No Man's Sky RPG” could be.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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