[…]《创世纪 4》相当黑白分明——我的意思是好人是好人,坏人是坏人—《创世纪 5》中很多角色都试图说服你,柏拉松勋爵做的事情是对的;有人说他是邪恶的力量;还有人意识到他错了,但却利用这种情况谋取个人利益,并愿意与任何反对柏拉松勋爵的人战斗。
[...] where Ultima IV was fairly black-and-white – I mean good guys are good guys and bad guys are bad guys – Ultima V unfolds in a grey area. Lots of characters try convincing you that Blackthorn is doing things just right; some say he's an evil force; and others realise he's wrong but are taking advantage of the situation for personal profit and are willing to fight anyone who opposes Blackthorn.
– 理查德・加里奥特,
《创世纪》制作人– Richard Garriott,
Ultima V’s creator

不列颠之王失踪后 ,柏拉松勋爵控制了局面,并强 加了一种更黑暗且极端的美德。
With Lord British now missing, Blackthorn took control and imposed a darker, extremist version of the virtues.
《创世纪 5》的另一个绝妙的地方是“地底世界(Underworld)”。地底世界是一个庞大的可扩张区域,其大小与地面世界一样大(并且是开放式),它通过地牢网络与上方世界相连。游戏故事的推动力是原有的国王(不列颠之王)消失在这片阴暗的广袤土地上,而《创世纪 5》的开发者利用这个故事作为玩家沉浸在游戏世界的机会,提供了一本关于原国王在黑暗中探险的书面编年史记录。

《创世纪 5》是该系列最后一款在地牢中以 第一人称“blobber”视角游玩的作品。
Another place Ultima V worked wonders was in the Underworld – a massive new region added to the game world for the first time in the series. The Underworld was a sprawling cavernous region every bit as big (and as open) as the surface world, linked to the realm above by a network of dungeons. The impetus for the game's story is the disappearance of the rightful king (Lord British) into this shadowy expanse, and the developers of Ultima V used this fact as an opportunity for immersion by providing a written chronicle of the king's expedition into the darkness.
Smart players could read carefully through the chronicle and use its words to guide them ingame as they followed the lost king's footsteps. The ensuing connection between shared experience of the real player and the character they controlled was remarkably powerful.

Ultima V would be the last game of the core series to use a first-person “blobber” view when inside dungeons.
综上所述:从其道德上模棱两可的困境和引人入胜的故事,再到初始的“模拟世界”和广阔的游戏空间,《创世纪 5》为以后所有伟大的 RPG 游戏铺平了道路。
如果你还没有玩过,那你就应该拿起这个游戏,体验一下这段关键的 RPG 历史。
《创世纪 5》更新补丁:如果您正在玩 MS-DOS 版本的《创世纪 5》,请使用此 Mod 添加完整的配乐。
《创世纪 5:拉撒路》:超过60小时的《地牢围攻 》mod,从头开始重新打造《创世纪 5》,3D 图形,CD 品质的音乐,实时战斗,更丰富的任务和对话,以及可选的“邪恶”路径通关。

《创世纪 5:拉撒路》使用《地牢围攻》引擎,以更现代的技术重现《创世纪 5》。
In conclusion: From its morally ambiguous dilemmas and intriguing story premise to its primitive world simulation and vast play space, Ultima V paved the way for all the great RPGs to come.
If you haven't already played it, you owe it to yourself to pick up a copy and experience this key piece of RPG history!
Ultima V Update Patch: If you’re playing the MS-DOS version of U5, use this mod to add the full soundtrack found only in other versions of the game.
Ultima V: Lazarus: a 60+ hour Dungeon Siege mod that recreates Ultima V from the ground up, with modern 3D graphics, CD-quality music, real-time combat, richer quests and dialogues, and an optional “evil” path through the game.
You can find it here: www.u5lazarus.com

Ultima V: Lazarus uses the Dungeon Siege engine to recreate Ultima V with more modern technology.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明