Dark Sun's dialogues look average today, but they were novel at the time, offering players plenty of text and options.

Every character in Dark Sun can use Psionics, but you'll also see many of the traditional AD&D spells.

The combat system is turn-based, using the AD&D ruleset, but the UI keeps things simple and accessible.

The sequel, Wake of the Ravager, expanded the game in every sense, unfortunately even in the amount of bugs.
当你在探索游戏区域的时候会碰到许多强大的敌人。像是僵尸和蜘蛛这种都是开胃小菜而已。真正考验技术的是跨位面的塔那利魔(Tanar'ri),15 英尺高的山地潜行者或者是巨大的埋斯提莉娅(Mastyrial)[1] 蝎子。但是觊觎你性命的可不仅仅是这些动物。曾经在托尔金(Tolkien)创造的世界观中出现的生物一改原貌,游戏中的霍比特人(Halfling)是一种仇外的食人族,精灵(Elf)是一帮毫无荣耀可言的游牧民,其他种族甚至比他们更差。
游戏的故事在其在 1994 年的续作《毁灭者苏醒(Wake of the Ravager)》中延续:我们的英雄们将到达提尔城(Tyr)并且阻止恶龙的到来。
While exploring the game areas you'll face many adversaries. There will be zombies and spiders, but these are just a nuisance. The real test of your skills will be fighting extra-planar Tanar'ri, 15-foot-tall Mountain Stalkers or the huge Mastyrial scorpions. And it's not only the fauna that wants to kill you. Forget what you learned about fantasy races from all the Tolkien-derived worlds out there – here Halflings are xenophobic cannibals, elves are honourless nomads and none of the other races are any better.
Graphically, Shattered Lands is very pretty, with nicely drawn environments, each area with its own distinctive look, feel and unique variety of monsters. Unfortunately the game was set back by low-quality animations and numerous bugs. While I have not encountered a critical one, there were occasional hiccups where I had to restart the quest or go back to previous save positions.
The story continues in the follow-up game, Wake of the Ravager (1994). Our heroes arrive at the city of Tyr and need to stop the coming of the dragon.
You can transfer your party from Shattered Lands to Wake of the Ravager. This, however, will cause all enemies to have twice the HP, which will make the game really hard.
《浩劫残阳》的传奇终止于 1996 年的《浩劫残阳网络版:赤砂(Dark Sun Online: Crimson Sands)》,一个短命的网络角色扮演类游戏,其早于《网络创世纪(Ultima Online)》这类游戏。但是这游戏非常可惜地被开发问题、预算不足、游戏漏洞和开挂玩家毁于一旦。
《浩劫残阳:破碎的大地》本应是 SSI 的一个惊世之作,但是非常可惜其被过多的游戏漏洞以及跳票所影响。此外,该游戏还象征了游戏时代的转型——在许多方面都领先于同类型游戏,如用户界面、开放区域、对话以及分支任务解决方案,当时大家都在努力实现这些。有空去试一下,《浩劫残阳》绝对不会让你失望的。
In short, Ravager is bigger, louder and much more buggier. Sprites got much bigger, animations were improved and the overall mood became much grittier and dark. The atmosphere was improved by voiced dialogue, new cutscenes and a great CD-audio soundtrack. Sadly, some of the bugs were gamebreaking and you could face a complete restart of your game due to an inability to finish one of the main quests.
The Dark Sun saga was concluded in Dark Sun Online: Crimson Sands (1996), a short-lived online RPG, preceding the likes of Ultima Online. Its brief history is one plagued with development and budget issues, many bugs and rampant cheating by players.
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands was supposed to be a breakthrough for SSI, but it was plagued by bugs and delayed releases. Furthermore, the game was the product of a transition era – ahead of its peers in many aspects, such as the UI, the open areas, the dialogues, and the multiple quest solutions, while also struggling on how to implement these features. Give Dark Sun a spin, you won't be disappointed.
1 译者注:无官方中文译名,因该蝎子一般埋藏于沙漠中,故音译为埋斯提莉娅。该物种头部有乳突作为听觉系统,因此可以准确探测其他生物的距离和方向。所以第一回合该物种准确度 +2 但是因为尾巴是身体的最后一个部位,因此该生物第一回合无法用尾巴发动攻击。(尾巴攻击 1d6 并且在标准伤害基础上造成毒素伤害)
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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