每个区域大小为 24x24 格,可以同时使用多个纹理集来创造出巨大且多样的地牢。
Areas are 24x24 squares in size and can have multiple tilesets at once, making for large and diverse dungeons.

Besides the first-person exploration, you can also create overland maps with events and random encounters.

UAShell 使“模改”类模组更加灵活,这类模组可以修改 FRUA 的规则或者改造显示界面。
“Hacked” modules use UAShell to have more flexibility, allowing them to modify FRUA's rules and appearance.

Some modules have a bigger focus on storytelling and will provide a pre-made character for players to use.
值得一提的是,尽管 FRUA 的主要目标是提供一个制作剧本的工具,但 FRUA 确实附带了一个示例剧本叫做《骷髅岩的继承人(Heirs to Skull Crag)》,它就是金盒子系列中被遗忘的第 13 部作品。然而从评测来看,它并不像此前的 SSI 经典作品一样受人欢迎。
由于 FRUA 有着种种限制,迟早会有人开发一个新的工具组来摆脱这些限制。
《创造地牢(Dungeon Craft)》从 1995 年开始开发,现在已经有几个基于它的模组发布了。这套工具的优点包括:能够直接在 Windows 系统上运行,使用高分辨率的图片,以及不对事件和美术资源的数量做限制。它的缺点是不兼容 FRUA 模组。这是一个仍在开发中的开源引擎,而且它已经吸引了大批用户。
《冰闪引擎(IceBlink Engine)》是另一个精神继承者,2012 年它在 Kickstarter 上开启了众筹。这个引擎把 FRUA 和 BioWare 的《无冬之夜(Neverwinter Nights)》相结合,可以为 Windows 和安卓系统制作模组。目前《冰闪引擎》在功能上还有所欠缺,但它的前景看上去值得期待。
It should also be mentioned that, while intended primarily as a tool to create scenarios, FRUA did ship with a sample adventure called “Heirs to Skull Crag”, a forgotten 13th entry in the Gold Box line-up. However, its reviews have been less than favourable in comparison to the SSI classics that preceded it.
Given the limitations of FRUA, it was only a matter of time before someone began work on a sequel to the toolset in order to remove those limitations.
In development since 1995, Dungeon Craft has seen several modules released for it. The advantages of this toolset include being able to run natively in Windows, the use of high-resolution artwork and having an unlimited number of events and art assets. The disadvantage is not being compatible with FRUA modules. The engine is open-source, and still under development, with a large following all of its own.
Another spiritual successor, the IceBlink Engine, was kickstarted in 2012. Combining parts of FRUA and BioWare's Neverwinter Nights, it can be used to create modules for both Windows and Android systems. It is still lacking in features, but its future looks promising.
在推出后不到一年,SSI 放弃了对 FRUA 的维护,此时其中还存在一些 bug。FRUA 社区后来发布了非官方的 1.3 版本补丁,修复了部分问题。
SSI abandoned FRUA within a year of release, leaving some bugs behind. The FRUA community has since released their own unofficial 1.3 patch, fixing several issues.
虽然有类似的系统被开发出来,但 FRUA 及其模组仍然拥有一批硬核用户。对引擎的破解和修改仍在出现,设计者们通过富有创意的美术和叙事不断给玩家带来新的惊喜。作为一个有着 25 年历史的开发工具组,FRUA 经受住了时间的考验。
UAShell:一个重要的工具,它可以在模组文件夹中对 FRUA 引擎进行破解与修改,例如加入自定义的图片与音乐,然后在玩家退出游戏时撤销这些修改。UAShell 中包括了多个帮助设计者修改 FRUA 引擎的工具。因此,在没有 UAShell 的情况下运行破解过的模组可能会产生奇怪的结果,甚至可能导致奇异的 bug 或者程序崩溃。
Despite developments on these systems, though, there still remains a hardcore following for FRUA and its modules. New breakthroughs in hacking the engine continue to happen and designers find new ways to excite players through inventive use of artwork and storytelling. For a toolset that is nearly 25 years old, FRUA has stood the test of time.
As members of the community like to say: so long as there are adventures to be played, there will be someone there to play them. And so long as there are stories left to tell, there will be someone there to create them.
UAShell: An important tool that applies the hacks within a module's directory, such as custom art and music, then reverses those same hacks when the player is done. It contains several tools to help designers affect changes within the FRUA engine, so running a hacked module without UAShell can lead to strange results and even the odd bug or crash.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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