我觉得(指新里诺 New Reno 这个场景)会对于各种不同类型的角色形象都有许多有趣的机会和事件去塑造,但是它符合游戏的设定吗?或许不是很符合。这部分有过量的性描写和脏话,并且其中部分角色的行为举止和穿着打扮都过于现代化了,这可跟辐射的世界观氛围不相符合(……)但是我在游玩和设计的时候依然乐在其中
I think it [New Reno] presents a lot of fun role-playing opportunities and things to do, no matter what ‘type’ of character you are. But does it fit in the setting? No, probably not. It's too sexually over-the-top, too much profanity, and the look and attitude of some of the characters is too modern-day to complement the feel of the Fallout world (...) But I still think it was fun to play, and it was fun to design.
Chris Avellone,
《辐射 2》设计人员Chris Avellone,
Fallout 2's designer

《辐射 2》中充满了黑色幽默以及对流行文化的引用。你是一个十足的俏皮话高手,会开一些关于同类相食的玩笑,引用电影甚至会打恶搞电话。
Fallout 2's humour is dark, witty and full of pop culture references. You'll talk like a smartass, make jokes on cannibalism, quote movies and may even pull out prank calls.
《辐射 2》提供了许多战术选项,但其实还是战斗中用霰弹枪炸飞敌人的内脏以及“故意”炸出敌人性腺后阅读那些有趣的信息反馈的时候最让人爽快。
说实话,幽默是《辐射 2》的主要基调之一。虽然《辐射 1》在提供精致的游戏内容和沉浸的游戏体验上下了很大功夫,但是它的续作却打破了很多“墙”——包括次元壁——为使玩家可以在其中尽情享受欢愉。

By giving the player as much freedom as possible, from the character creation screen to the quests and dialogue trees, the developers entrusted the players with crafting their own experience out of the game and play it the way they wanted – all the way down to the ending, which is intricately affected by their actions during the game.
As for the combat, the game abides by the same rules set by its predecessor: turn-based combat on a hexagonal map. Each turn, you are limited by a number of action points you must carefully distribute between firing, aiming, running (away) or accessing your inventory.
Fallout 2 proposes some tactical options but, in all honesty, the most satisfying experience you'll get from its combat system is blowing up your enemies' innards in a forceful shotgun blast and reading hilarious message feedbacks after *intentionally* popping up one of your enemies' gonads.
Truth be said, humour is one of Fallout 2's main guideline. While Fallout 1 focused on delivering a minutely-crafted and focused experience, its sequel breaks a great deal of walls – fourth one included – in order to let the players frolic at their hearts content.

Guns, armour, drugs, explosives, sex toys, car parts and even your own body parts are some of the items you'll find.
2004 年,一些俄罗斯粉丝做出了《辐射网络版(FOnline)》,一款非官方的《辐射》MMO 引擎。有几个 MMORPG 就是用它驱动的,像是《辐射网络版 2(FOnline 2)》,《辐射网络版:重装上阵(FOnline: Reloaded)》和《辐射网络版:凤凰涅槃(FO: Ashes of Phoenix)》。这些游戏你都可以免费游玩。
In 2004, Russian fans created FOnline, an unofficial Fallout MMO engine. Several MMORPGs derived from it, such as FOnline 2, FOnline: Reloaded and FO: Ashes of Phoenix. You can play any of these for free.
你可以炸掉一个厕所,把一个小镇上的饥民搞得臭气熏天,给小孩糖果,用迷你激光枪把敌人切成两半,长出第六跟脚趾,成为著名的色情明星,在一场拳击比赛中被咬掉耳朵。《辐射 2》通过其丰富的场景和情景演绎为你提供了在其他电子游戏中无法体验到的情景、小剧场和对话。
即使以今天的标准来看,《辐射 2》仍然是非常独特的体验。它不仅是很棒的 RPG,其本身也是一款出色的游戏。只要你不反感在美味的后启示录肮脏世界中踱步。它离奇的文字,传奇的背景以及诱人的玩法将提供无数小时的快乐时光。
Killap 的《辐射 2》补丁(Killap's Fallout 2 patch):游戏必备,修复了 800 多个游戏漏洞。
《辐射 2》恢复项目(Fallout 2 Restoration Project):恢复许多被剪掉的项目,包括许多地点和加贺——作为你这个天选者的宿敌。但是你要知道并不是所有东西都是好的。
MIB88 的大型插件(MIB88 Megamod):一个插件包,增加了新的区域,各种功能,并且允许你访问《辐射 1》中的区域。
湮没(Oblivion Lost):一个俄罗斯开发的插件,将《辐射 2》和《潜行者:切尔诺贝利阴影》(STALKER: Shadows of Chernobyl)合为一体。还挺有趣的。
辐射 1.5:复活(Fallout 1.5: Resurrection):大受好评的 Mod,提供了 25 小时的完整游戏内容。非常棒的 RPG,我强烈推荐。
还有几个《辐射 2》的完全转换 Mod,比如《奥林匹斯 2207(Olympus 2207)》,《破碎的命运(Shattered Destiny)》,《辐射:内华达(Fallout: Nevada)》和《变种人崛起(Mutants Rising)》。但是很可惜,大多数都是俄国特供版。
You can blow up a toilet and smear a town of starving farmers in shit, offer candy to a little boy, cut raiders in two with a laser mini-gun, grow a sixth toe, become a famous porn star, and get your ear bitten off during a boxing match. Through its great variety of locations and situations, Fallout 2 will provide you with experiences, playlets and dialogue you'll never see in any other video game.
Even by today's standards, Fallout 2 is too unique of an experience to pass up. It is not only an excellent RPG, it is also an exceptional game in itself. Its quirky writing, legendary setting and inviting gameplay will provide countless hours of entertainment, provided you're not adverse of wading through delicious postapocalyptic filth.
Killap's Fallout 2 patch: A must-have, fixes +800 bugs.
Fallout 2 Restoration Project: Restores a lot of content that was cut, including several locations and Kaga, your “rival”Chosen One. Just be aware that not all of it is great.
MIB88 Megamod: A mod pack that adds new areas, various features and allows you to visit Fallout 1 areas.
Oblivion Lost: A Russian mod that blends Fallout 2 with STALKER: Shadows of Chernobyl. It's quite funny.
Fallout 1.5: Resurrection: A critically acclaimed mod that offers a full 25-hour campaign. A great RPG in its own right, it's highly recommended.
Several total conversion mods for Fallout 2 exist, such as Olympus 2207, Shattered Destiny, Fallout: Nevada and Mutants Rising. Sadly, most of them are only in Russian.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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