…我最喜欢的 RPG 游戏都具有优秀的角色成长。为了实现这一点,我认为需要具备以下条件——以你喜欢的游戏方式养成角色的自由(自由),将自己投入到该角色中的动机(动机)以及对你的养成方式做出恰当反应的环境(世界/敌人)。
[...] The RPGs I enjoy the most are all about good character development. To achieve that I figured certain things need to be in place – the freedom to develop your character in a way that fits your preferred playing style (Freedom), motivation to invest yourself in that character (Motivation) and an environment that reacts in a fitting way to how you developed your character (Universe/Enemies).
Swen Vincke,
拉瑞安的创始人和 CEOSwen Vincke,
Larian's founder and CEO

The writing is always amusing, and has grown to become one of Larian's trademarks.
Everything is not just generally well-written, but the dialogues are often genuinely funny, employing various tongue-in-cheek methods, poking fun at the fantasy genre in general, and sometimes even going into self-parody. This also makes all the otherwise generic fetch quests much more interesting and fun to do because you can always expect some sort of a little twist to the tired old formula.
Unfortunately, it would simply be unfair to not mention Divine Divinity's biggest flaw, which is the endgame. Apparently, the game was much bigger and more ambitious than the developer and the publisher could chew, which resulted in the final chapter being terribly rushed. Most of the qualities that make Divinity unique simply disappear in the last chapter, leaving you with fully railroaded, non-stop mindless fighting against annoying, health-bloated mobs of enemies. Although at least you can just go ahead and run all the way through, ignoring all opposition completely.
《神界》系列的所有音乐都是由已故俄罗斯音乐家 Kirill Pokrovsky 创作的,他的管弦乐和新时代电子技术的结合使原声带成为了该系列必不可少的一部分。
All the music in the Divinity series was composed by Kirill Pokrovsky, the late Russian musician, whose mix of orchestrations and new age electronics made the soundtracks an intrinsic part of the franchise.
这部作品也是整个《神界》系列的开始。《神界:超越无限(Beyond Divinity, 2004)》是一部平庸的续集,但接下来的作品绝对值得深入了解,尤其是《神界 2(Divinity 2)》和《神界:原罪(Divinity: Original Sin)》[3] 。浅尝辄止是有欺骗性的,会让你认为《神界》是对《暗黑破坏神》的模仿,但它并不是。彻底把这一点记在脑子里吧。
Ultimately, if you really dislike hack-and-slash combat, Divinity might not be up your alley. I did like, however, how it can even get pretty challenging at times, and how the game's systems leave you a lot of room for personal customisation and ways to shamelessly break them to your advantage.
What is left to conclude, then? Divine Divinity is simply a neat game. Not flawless by any means, but ridiculously absorbing and long enough to entertain you for weeks. It's one of those games that make you think – “a combination of fetch quests and generic fighting has no right to be this damn addictive!”.
It's also the start of the whole Divinity series. Beyond Divinity (2004) was a mediocre sequel, but the next titles are definitely worth more than a casual look (especially Divinity 2 and Divinity: Original Sin). Because casual looks are deceiving and make you think Divine Divinity is a Diablo clone. Which it isn't. Get that into your head once and for all.
3 译者注:值得一提的是,《神界:原罪》和后来更为出彩的《神界:原罪 2》都是通过众筹网站 Kickstarter 获得启动资金的。
4 译者注:因为它只是一套自称是死亡骑士的盔甲。

You select a class at first, but you can learn any skill and use any equipment if you meet the requirements.

Beyond Divinity had your hero soul-bound to a sarcastic Death Knight, with you both having to cooperate to survive.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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