We have story analysis stuff we do to plan the game where we write a short story, just some typical fantasy story, and be like, ‘What makes this story interesting? Where are the inflection points that really turn it into a narrative that pops out of it?' We want that to happen when people are playing the game. We want them to have something they can hold onto and then tell their friends [...]
Tarn “Toady” Adams
《矮人要塞》作者Tarn “Toady” Adams,
Dwarf Fortress’ creator

“冒险模式”因其拟真的效果而在一众 roguelike 中脱颖而出。战斗、NPC 对话甚至敌人行为都是动态且独特的。
Adventure Mode stands out from other roguelikes due to its simulationist approach. Combat, NPC dialogue and even enemy behaviour all feel dynamic and unique.
这款游戏也因其画面和操作方法而臭名昭著,这是许多新玩家所难以理解的。默认情况下,游戏使用的是 ASCII 码作为贴图,以 unicode 字符来表示游戏中的每个生物和对象,不过使用贴图包来对游戏进行修改还是很容易的。
This isn't to say that the game has a well-written narrative, or really much of a written narrative at all. Rather, every person who plays Dwarf Fortress comes out of the experience with their own unique story. You may dig too deep, find an ancient beast, kill it, or see your fortress infected by a disease spread by the beast's blood. Or perhaps play as a bold, brash Elven hero that loses a leg in battle but still roams the land, wielding a sword in one hand, a crutch in the other.
The game is also notorious for its graphics and control scheme, which many new players find all but impenetrable. By default, the game uses an ASCII tileset, representing every creature and object in the game as a unicode character, but the game is easily moddable to use graphical tilesets.
The controls, particularly in Fortress Mode, seem unintuitive at first, but this is due to the game relying largely on hotkeys which are normally reserved for more advanced players in a typical strategy game.
有许多为《矮人要塞》制作的模组、补丁、应用程序以及贴图包。初学者可以先从“新手懒人包”(Lazy Newb Pack)开始,其中包括最流行的贴图、实用工具和自定义选项。
There are several mods, hacks, utilities and graphical tilesets made for Dwarf Fortress. Beginners may wish to start with the Lazy Newb Pack, which includes the most popular tiles, utilities and customisation options.
Tarn Adams 在 2011 年表示这游戏哪怕继续开发二十年也无法达到 1.0 版本。即便如此,他可能仍会通过不断地更新以模拟出他理想中的“有趣内容”。
他从粉丝那收到的捐助[4] 足以让他过上舒适的生活,同时他曾表示自己仍会不忘初心,不与任何发行商或开发商签约,只通过捐赠来资助游戏开发。
Dwarf Fortress' astonishing depth comes from over a decade of tireless development. The first release didn't even allow for multiple Z-levels; the whole game was limited to a two-dimensional plane.
In 2011, Tarn Adams stated that the game could very well be in development for another 20 years and still not reach version 1.0. And even then, he would probably keep updating it, in his pursuit of simulating the “narratively interesting parts of existence”.
He receives enough money in fan donations that he is able to live comfortably, and he has stated that he intends to always keep those humble roots, never signing with any publisher or development company, funding the game solely through donations.
Although it may never be entirely finished, the importance of Dwarf Fortress is undeniable. It stands as a one-of-a-kind game that achieved a rare, perfect balance between procedurally generated elements and the importance of player input.

模组作者们已经创造了大量的贴图包和应用程序,例如《矮人治疗师(Dwarf Therapist)》就是一款管理矮人们工作的应用程序。还有可以渲染要塞中等距图形的《石感(Stonesense)》。
4 译者注:尽管每个月都有几百到几千美元的捐助从世界各地打来,但对于罹患肿瘤需要服用大量昂贵药物的 Zach 是完全不够的,因此年过四十并且也为了应对不时之需的兄弟俩人决定在 Steam 上推出《矮人要塞》的付费重制版(发售时间待定),当然了,免费版也会同步更新。

Modders have created a wealth of tilesets and utilities, such Dwarf Therapist, an app for managing the dwarves’ jobs; and Stonesense, which renders the isometric graphics of your fortress.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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