这款游戏于Rogue 问世前两年发行。我没有受过"Rogue 的影响(直到 1983 年才看到它),据我所知,加州大学伯克利分校创造出 Rogue 的那伙人也没有看过BAM。我们可能是各自独立地产生了同样的想法。但至少,我自己可以说Rogue 是Beneath Apple Manor-like。
It was released two years before Rogue came out. I was not influenced by Rogue (didn't see it until something like 1983) and, so far as I know, the Rogue guys up at UC Berkeley hadn't seen BAM either. We probably both came up with the same idea independently. But at least I can say Rogue is Beneath Apple Manor-like
Don Worth,
《苹果园之下》的开发者Don Worth,
Beneath Apple Manor's creator

Playing a huge dungeon floor in colour mode. We (the blue square) listen behind a door, where apparently a troll lurks inside.
万一你挂了——这是迟早的事儿——这次扫描会让你的角色在楼梯口处复活。当然,你会因此损失掉身上所有的钱。但是,毕竟,你又活了过来,回到了上次扫描时的进度。如果能付得起费用,你最好尽快再进行一次新的扫描。使用同一个脑部扫描复活,会使下一次重生后的属性被削弱 10%。噢!还没来得及进行新的扫描,就死太多次的话,会让你的角色变得虚弱不堪。
Should you die – sooner or later, bound to happen – the scan restored you to life at the staircase. Of course, any money you had at the time was dropped. However, you were alive again as of the last scan. And you'd want a new scan as soon as you could afford it. Each use reduced the stats of your next “reload” by 10%. Ouch! Too many restores of the same scan would leave you a wimp.
So you proceeded carefully along the level, listening at doors, inspecting walls for secret doors, bashing stuck doors open, running when overmatched, and hoping you wouldn't run into too many wandering monsters.
All this had a goal: to find the fabled Golden Apple, rumoured to be in a dragon hoard far below the surface. Naturally, it exists, and there it is! Or is it? You know the saying: there can be only one (though not a ring this time).
一些历史学家声称,BAM 是第一款商业电脑游戏,装在密封袋里,通过专卖店进行出售。
Some historians claim that BAM was the very first commercial computer game, sold in speciality stores inside a ziplock bag.
此外,《苹果园之下》是 Rogue 及同类许多游戏的原型。可悲的是,在谈及这类型作品(Roguelike)的历史时,它常常被人忽略,即便它出现的时间,比1980年诞生的 Rogue 本身还要早两年。
But each hoard had a supposed Apple; grab a fake, and you were soon reloading. How could you tell real from fake? Only – haha – by taking it. You don't always need heavy combat to induce sweaty palms.
BAM had to be played entirely in one session. The brain scans were good only for the current game. Quit, and you'd have to start a new game next time. Still, it was meant as a “quick” play. At 5 rooms/levels, you could usually get through it in about four hours or so.
Thus BAM was a prototype for Rogue and its many variants. Sadly, it seems to have been overlooked in the history of this sub-genre, even though it arrived two years before Rogue itself showed up in 1980.
In its time, Beneath Apple Manor was a fun – if occasionally frustrating – diversion. While simple, the game required thought and strategy. And it shows what could be done with limited RAM and tight, well-designed code.

BAM 允许您自定义关卡的大小,选择显示模式以及 10 个不同的难度设置。
BAM allowed you to customise the size of the levels, choose between display modes and 10 difficulty settings.

《苹果园之下: 特别版》 添加了所谓的“高分辨率图形”模式,但你依然可以可以在 ASCII 模式下游玩。
Beneath Apple Manor: Special Edition added so-called “hi-res graphics”, but you could still play in ASCII mode.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明