Each command performed by your soldier takes some time, real time. This time depends on soldier skills, his condition, and so on. All your soldiers perform their actions simultaneously with each other and enemy soldiers. This brings realism to the combat. Interruptions in turn-based systems are but an attempt to simulate this. Unsuccessful attempt, I should say.
Dmitry Ivashkin
《7.62 大口径部队》主程序Dmitry Ivashkin,
High Calibre's lead programmer

Your stats, skills, injuries, adrenaline levels and even in which pocket you placed an item will all affect the speed of your actions.
在这么多战斗选项的辅助下,战斗体验确实令人满意且耳目一新。不过对玩家来说,好事儿就到头了,因为游戏的其他部分设计的并不太行。遗憾的是,《7.62 大口径部队》的 bug 实在太多,主线剧情无聊的仿佛是“快递任务”一般,角色也让人提不起兴趣,除了刺激的战斗之外一无是处。
玩家作为一名孤身雇佣兵开始游戏,受雇来寻找一位躲藏在北非国家阿尔及利亚的俄罗斯商人。《7.62 大口径部队》的游戏流程并不是线性的,因此玩家可以在地图上探索不同的城市,承接多个支线任务,并在政府军和叛乱军之间选一边加入。
Stats also vary between the classes of weapons. Pistols are weak and inaccurate but are much faster to aim and fire, making them very good close-range weapons, when accuracy is not a problem. Some weapons can even have their stock folded to make them faster to aim at the cost of reduced accuracy.
There are also many weapon accessories, such as flashlights, suppressors, foregrips, bipods, bayonets, underbarrel grenade launchers, laser sights and multiple types of scope. Some attachments also have weaknesses – laser sights and flashlights can make you easier to spot by enemies, and using long-range scopes will reduce your field of view, making it easier for enemies to flank you.
With so many options, combat feels rewarding and fresh. This is fortunate because the rest of the game is not so well-designed. Sadly, High Calibre suffers from various bugs and a boring “FedEx quest” storyline, filled with uninteresting characters and saved only by its exciting battles.
You'll start as a lone mercenary, hired to find a Russian businessman that is currently hiding in the North African nation of Algeria. High Calibre is an open, non-linear game, so you can move around the map to different cities, take multiple side-quests and side with either the rebels or the government forces.
Blue Sun Mod 甚至受到开发者的承认,可以在 Steam 平台上直接下载,只要在“Betas”菜单中应用就可以了。
The Blue Sun Mod is endorsed by the developers and can be downloaded on Steam. Just enable it in the “Betas” menu.
随后玩家就能够雇佣别的佣兵在战斗中帮助作战,投身于高烈度的战斗,占领并控制城市和其他一些较有价值的区域。玩家还可以招募民兵保卫自己的地盘,如果他们阵亡,玩家就不得不在烈度更高的战斗中夺回自己的地盘——可以说是《铁血联盟 2》玩家司空见惯的事情了。
令人感到遗憾的是,《7.62 大口径部队》并不是玩家们期望的《铁血联盟 2》的后继者。不过在若干 mod 的辅助下,战术游戏狂热粉仍然能享受一段美好时光。
Blue Sun Mod:游戏最著名的 Mod,加入了一条新的任务线,更多可雇佣的佣兵、新地图、成百上千种新武器、属性平衡以及很多必要的 bug 修复。就算是新玩家也推荐打上这个 mod。
Mercapocalypse:两款流行 mod 的整合,加入了新的雇佣兵和超过 350 把新武器,同时也重平衡了武器属性并提高了敌人武器的多样性。需要先安装 Blue Sun Mod。
Hard Life:一款为《7.62 大口径部队》老手开发的俄罗斯 mod,极大地改变了游戏,添加了大量新内容,近期已被翻译为英文并作为《7.62 大口径部队》的免费增强版登陆 Steam 平台。
Later on you'll be able to hire mercenaries to help you in battle, partake in highly intense battles to capture and control cities and other valuable areas, and also create militia to defend your locations from enemies. If they die, you will have to capture the area again in more high-intensity battles – an activity most JA2 players should be used to.
Unfortunately, 7.62 High Calibre isn't the JA2 successor we all have been waiting for. However, with the help of a few mods, those into tactical battles can definitely still have a great time.
Blue Sun Mod: The most well-known mod for the game, it adds a new quest line, more mercenaries to recruit, more maps, hundreds of new weapons, stat balancing and many essential bug fixes. Highly recommended even for first-time players.
Mercapocalypse: A merge of two popular mods, adds new mercenaries and over 350 new weapons. It also rebalances weapon stats and adds more diversity to enemy weapon usage. Requires the Blue Sun Mod.
Hard Life: A Russian mod designed for 7.62 veterans, it radically changes the game and adds lots of content. Was recently translated into English and released on Steam as a free enhanced edition for 7.62 owners.

There are various locations to travel to, and you can buy a vehicle to go faster and store items in the boot.

Inside cities you can take quests, hire mercenaries, buy weapons and even conquer or defend the whole city.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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