The problem with the ‘moral meter' is that even though we're offering you choices, it forces you to choose one or the other, and then you're on a fixed path [...] So, in Dragon Age, we don't have a good and evil meter, all the decisions in the game have solutions that are logical, where we thought, ‘let's provide the player with solid reasons for doing these things', which allows us to have a lot of room for greyness in morality.
David Gaider
《龙腾世纪:起源》主笔David Gaider,
Dragon Age: Origins' lead writer

Spell-casting uses a mix of mana and cooldowns. Some spells can be sustained, while others can be combined into powerful magic combos.
最终拯救《龙腾世纪:起源》的还是它的剧本。直到今天它依然是 Bioware 中不可多得的一笔。世界的深度和广度都比故事的发生地费雷登要宏大。然而,即使是在这个世界的小角落,也充斥着政治阴谋以及种族与文化之间逐渐紧张的局势,不论是精灵的困境还是对于法术使用的排斥,你的角色都值得去深究。
而且你也理应去深究,因为该游戏的对话选项比 Bioware 现在很多游戏的对话要微妙的多。那种在《星球大战:旧共和国武士(Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)》中逼迫你在圣人和恶魔中做出选择,或是在《质量效应》中逼迫你在善良的撒玛利亚人和顽固的反叛者之间做出选择的情况已然不再。

Loot was similarly simplified. While equipping a new piece of gear for your characters did have pleasant visual impact, it was relatively rare to find items that had a cool story behind them or a tangible mechanical benefit. And the lack of variety often made players wear the same armour set for dozens of hours.
The world, too, was missing the huge amount of secrets and places to explore for exploration's sake that had left their mark on previous games. Some areas – like Ferelden's capital, Denerim – have their share of nooks and crannies, but most other areas feel a bit flat.
It was the writing, then, that saved Dragon Age: Origins. To this day it stands as some of BioWare's finest. The world was written with a scope and depth that paints a much broader picture than the relatively small setting of Ferelden where the plot develops. Yet even this small corner of the world is rife with political plots and cultural/racial tensions. Be it the plight of the elves or the ostracisation of magic-users, your character is given much to think about.
And think about it you should, because the available dialogue options are much more nuanced than those of modern BioWare games. Gone is the duality that forced you to pick between demon and saint in KotOR or between good samaritan and hard-assed rebel in Mass Effect.

Armour offers set bonuses and weapons can be upgraded with runes, but both are very limited and feel uninspired.
《龙腾世纪》有着超过 35 个 DLC 内容,从单独的战役,到额外的队伍成员,节日礼物,预购奖励和联动商品。它因以NPC 在游戏中售卖 DLC 为人诟病。
Dragon Age had over 35 DLCs, ranging from stand-alone campaigns to extra party members, holiday gifts, pre-order bonuses and merchandise tie-ins. It was highly criticised for featuring an NPC that would advertise and sell DLCs in-game.
没有一个道德指南针来定义你的个性,取而代之的是你与队伍成员之间的关系——这些成员是 Bioware 史上写的最好的也是最复杂的成员,他们的态度取决于他们如何看待你的行为和言论,他们可能会对你敞开心扉,或者反对你,更有甚者会直接背叛你——这个忠诚系统非常有魅力,但是很可惜,有一大票人送礼刷好感度,但它依旧是剧本,玩家选择和游戏机制之间的完美结合。
游戏还扩充了大量的 DLC ,其中大多数是由故事驱动的,质量非常高;还有一个修改工具集,提供了一些优秀的社区拓展内容;《觉醒(Awakening)》中也有一个节奏紧凑短小精悍的内容拓展。
《龙腾世纪:起源》刚发售时,很多人(包括我)便将其视为 Bioware 在转型做主流游戏(也挺有意思)之前的最后一款伟大的 RPG。
社区拓展准则项目(Extended Community Canon Project):一些相互关联的 MOD 和活动,拓展了游戏世界和知识。
《龙腾世纪》再设计(Dragon Age Redesigned):增加了许多细节,改善了视觉效果,环境和事件。
JX 的《龙腾世纪》拓展(JX - Dragon Age Extended):一个大的拓展包,增加了新的职业和专业,修复了许多 bug 并做出了些许调整。
《博德之门 2》重制模组 1(Baldur’s Gate II Redux: Module 1):允许你穿过《博德之门 2》中艾瑞尼卡斯的标志性地牢。
Here you can, as an example, really feel sorry for the way mages are treated, because you know a few and they seem actually quite decent people. But, on the other hand, some of these decent people seem to be involved in blood rituals and the summoning of demons, endangering common folk and themselves.
The lack of a moral compass that defines your character is replaced by relationships with your party members – some of the most beautifully written and complex party members in BioWare's history. Depending on how they view your actions and words, they may either open up to you or even directly oppose or betray you – a fascinating loyalty system that can sadly be mostly cheated on via gift-giving, but remains as one of the finest integrations between writing, player choice and mechanics.
The game was further complemented by a huge amount of DLC, most of which is story-driven and of very high quality; a modding toolset that gave us some great fan-made content; and a remarkably tight – if somewhat brief – expansion in Awakening.
A mystery when first announced, Dragon Age: Origins is today seen by many (myself included) as BioWare's last great RPG, before they turned completely to a (still quite enjoyable) more mainstream kind of game.
Extended Community Canon Project: A series of interconnected mods and campaigns that expand upon the game’s world and lore.
Dragon Age Redesigned: Adds many subtle changes, improving the visuals, environments and events.
JX - Dragon Age Extended: A big mod pack that adds new classes, specialisations, bug fixes and tweaks.
Baldur’s Gate II Redux: Module 1: Allows you to play through Irenicus’ iconic dungeon from BG2.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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