We give the player a lot of credit, we trust him. We give him all these tools and we teach him this stuff and he's an excellent player-director. He wants downtime, he goes to town and talks to people. Says he wants some challenge – ‘I'm gonna fight that dragon I heard about'. It becomes much harder to put the game down. He is the director of his experience.
Todd Howard
《天际》首席制作人Todd Howard,
Skyrim lead producer

Riding a horse across the vast plains in pursuit of a dragon is the kind of emergent experience that Skyrim excels at.
话虽如此,每当你站在世界之喉[4] (The Throat of the World)的悬崖边缘,俯瞰整个天际省,就会觉得之前提到的种种缺点不过是白璧微瑕。视线刺破山间云雾,白漫城(Whiterun)西侧绿油油的田地让人心旷神怡。旁边一处乱石嶙峋的岩堆有些眼熟,细细一想,原来自己曾在那里迎头撞上一队红卫刺客。
And yet, these negatives seem small, pitiful even, when standing at the edge of the Throat of the World and looking down, past the fog and into the green fields west of Whiterun, recognising that small outcrop of rocks where you once stumbled into a cadre of Redguard assassins.
The negatives float away when, low on health and provisions, you find yourself running for your life from a high-level dragon (and asking yourself: “why did I install the mod that makes dragons deadlier?!”) – and all of a sudden, into the legs of a mountain giant. You then make your escape into a nearby cave while the two behemoths clash outside – and venture into whatever new discovery awaits inside. And there's always something to be discovered.
Skyrim had three expansions: Dawnguard and Dragonborn, which add extra areas and content, and Hearthfire, which adds the ability to build your own house.
《天际》的魅力在于无数精彩的瞬间,在于一系列不起眼的随机事件;呆呼呼的 NPC 将你精心准备的作战计划搞得一团糟后,你会狼狈不堪;站在令人叹为观止的美景前,你会大摆造型;你还会坐在炉火旁,不是出于某个任务要求,只是因为自己想再欣赏吟游诗人动听的歌声,聆听人们是如何在至高王乌弗瑞克(Ulfric)伟大荣耀的沐浴下,痛饮高歌[5] 。有了这些看似微不足道的细节,玩家在泰姆瑞尔(Tameriel)北部冰原的短暂时光才多了一抹抹亮色。
《上古卷轴 5:天际》并不是一款模拟类游戏,不能给你带来良好的 twitch 体验,说实话,它甚至无法给玩家提供一场优秀的角色扮演体验。但如果你能通过《天际》找回自己的想象力,用它去填补游戏的空白,那么这款游戏所绽放的光芒将无与伦比。
Skyrim is a game of moments, of small random occurrences, of carefully orchestrated plans going to hell because of stupid NPCs, of moments posing in front of breathtaking views, of sitting by the fire, an action with no gameplay benefits whatsoever, done simply because you feel like hearing that bard sing again about how Ulfric is the High King – and in his great honour we shall drink and sing. It is this tapestry of micro-experiences that breathes life into a player's sojourn onto the icy lands of northern Tamriel.
Skyrim is not meant to be a simulation, or a twitch experience. It is, quite frankly, not even much of a role-playing experience – unless you use your rediscovered imagination to fill in the blanks. Then, it shines like few others.
《天际》的模组场景是视频游戏历史上最大的场景之一。NexusMods 报告说,《天际》 和 《天际特别版》它们不兼容)有超过 10 万个模组。我们推荐玩《特别版》(Skyrim SE),并在 r/skyrimmods reddit 上查看模组安装提示。这里有一些推荐的模组:
Mod Organizer 2:一个帮助管理模组的方便工具。
SkyUI:必备模组,取代游戏默认 UI 界面,更适合键鼠玩家,物品栏分门别类井井有条,还有许多酷炫功能。
Unofficial Skyrim SE Patch:提供重要的 bug 修复。
SSE Engine Fixes:另一个非常重要的 bug 修复模组。
Alternate Start - Live Another Life:玩家可以跳过开局漫长的引入部分,自选开局,开局地点千奇百怪,开局身份五花八门。
Immersive Weapons and Armour:新增 100 种武器与 50 套盔甲,与原作世界观相符。
Climates of Tamriel:改变气候与光照,烘托环境氛围,地下城也变得更暗。
Requiem:一个硬核重做模组,将 《天际》变得更残酷、更真实。适合老式 RPG 粉丝。
Deadly Dragons:增加许多独特的龙,更聪明,属性也更强,难以击杀。
Enderal - The Shards of Order:由《上古卷轴 4:湮灭》模组《尼亚米:命运的边缘(Nehrim:At Fate’s Edge)》的开发团队打造,这是依托《天际》引擎而打造的新游戏。采用全新的世界观、全新的升级系统,叙事性也更强。
Moonpath to Elsweyr:Skyrim 最古老的任务模组之一,下载量超过 250 万次。
The Forgotten City:一个关于陷入时间循环的城市的精彩新冒险。2021 年作为独立游戏发布,获得几个奖项。
Vigilant:一个完全配音的暗黑血统启发冒险,与巨大而具有挑战性的 BOSS 进行致命的战斗。
SkyrimSE Re-Engaged ENB:ENB 是一种图像模组,大幅调整原作的视觉效果,如颗粒度与景深。有上百个 ENB 模组,Re-Engaged 是最受欢迎的,下载量超过 150 万次。
4 译者注:天际省的最高峰。
5 译者注:这里化用《天际》里一首著名的歌曲《压迫年代》(Age of Oppression),“All hail to Ulfric! You are the high king! In your great honor, we drink and we sing”(向乌弗瑞克致敬,您是伟大的至高王。在您伟大荣耀的沐浴下,我们痛饮高歌)。有趣的是,《天际》里还有一首歌,《好战年代》(Age of Aggression),旋律一模一样,但歌词却截然相反,“Down with Ulfric! The killer of kings! On the day of your death, we’ll drink and we’ll sing”(推翻乌弗瑞克!万恶的弑君者!你引颈受戮之日,我们将痛饮高歌)。
6 如果你想大幅自定义《天际》,你可以在 Skyrim reddit 上查看几个模组指南,或者使用 Wabbajack 自动下载几个精选模组列表之一。
Skyrim's mod scene is one of the biggest in video game history, with NexusMods reporting over 100,000 mods for Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition (they aren't compatible). We recommend playing Special Edition (Skyrim SE) and checking for mod installation tips at the r/skyrimmods reddit. Here's a few recommended mods:
Mod Organizer 2: A handy tool to help manage the mods.
SkyUI: Absolutely essential, this mod replaces Skyrim’s default interface for one better suited for keyboard and mouse, with sortable columns and other cool features.
Unofficial Skyrim SE Patch: Provides important bug fixes.
SSE Engine Fixes: Another very important bug fix mod.
Alternate Start - Live Another Life: Allows you to skip the long introduction and start the game in one of many wildly different locations and situations. Great for replays.
Immersive Weapons and Armour: Adds over 100 new weapons and 50 new armour sets, all lore-friendly.
Climates of Tamriel: Changes the weather and lighting, for more atmospheric visuals and darker dungeons.
Requiem: A hardcore overhaul mod, it changes Skyrim into a harsh and more realistic game. For old-school RPG fans.
Deadly Dragons: This mod adds unique dragons to the game and makes them smarter and tougher to defeat.
Enderal - The Shards of Order: Developed by the same team who made the excellent Nehrin mod for Oblivion, it offers and entirely new world, new levelling system and a much heavier focus on storytelling.
Moonpath to Elsweyr: One of the oldest of Skyrim quest mods, downloaded over 2.5 million times.
The Forgotten City: A fantastic new adventure about a city stuck in a time loop. Was released as a stand-alone game in 2021, earning several awards.
Vigilant: A fully-voiced Dark Souls-inspired adventure, with deadly fights against giant and challenging bosses.
SkyrimSE Re-Engaged ENB: ENBs are graphical mods that heavily alter the game’s visuals, adding effects such as depth of field and ambient occlusion. There's hundreds of them, with Re-Engaged being the most popular, with over 1.5 million downloads.
1 Skyrim had three expansions: Dawnguard and Dragonborn, which add extra areas and content, and Hearthfire, which adds the ability to build your own house.
If you want to heavily modify Skyrim, you can check several mod guides at the Skyrim reddit, or use Wabbajack to automatically download one of several curated list of mods.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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