Shadowrun mixed the cyberpunk meta-theme of the dehumanisation of humanity and the destruction of nature with the optimism of nature reasserting itself via the return of magic and all the flora and fauna that comes with it. Where as cyberpunk can become a monochrome of grey, Shadowrun became a universe of vivid contrasts, with everything from mage wage-slaves to troll biker gangs.
Jordan Weisman
《暗影狂奔》作者Jordan Weisman,
Shadowrun's creator

战斗是回合制的,与新《幽浮》类似,角色只有 2-3 个行动点,可以用来找掩护,当然也可以用来施放法术,召唤或者使用无人机。
Combat is turn-based and plays similarly to the new XCOM. Characters have only 2-3 action points and can use cover, but also have access to spells, summons and drones.
《龙陨》比起最初的战役要好很多,开发商在当年下半年将其作为一款独立的游戏发售,名叫《暗影狂奔:龙陨- 导演剪辑版(Dragonfall:Director’s Cut)》。
好的部分变得更加优秀:你将有机会探究团队内组员的故事,小队现在有更多的自定义选项,原本就已十分出彩的音轨也得到了扩展;不好的部分也得到了改进:游戏对作战系统进行了大改,使其更具有策略性,UI 也重做了,你也终于有了属于自己的存档栏位。总的来说,《龙陨》绝对是制作组对于这一系列的深情告白。
然而,后续却还有很多新的东西要来。虽然柏林赢得了投票的第一位,但是香港也稳居第二,于是 2015 年 Harebrained 再次在 Kickstarter 上发起了众筹——而这次众筹标准提高到了 120 万美元。
The story was complex, with sharply written dialogue trees with decisions that deftly avoided clear “best” options. This made for a dark mood – maybe a little too dark in the end; there were multiple endings, but they all led to the canon ending laid out by the Shadowrun metaplot, which left the impression that there was no real way to win in the end.
Still, Shadowrun is a setting that prizes getting personal victories where you can, while you watch the world go to hell around you.
Dragonfall was so much better than the original campaign that the developers re-released it later that year as an expanded stand-alone title, named Dragonfall: Director's Cut.
The good bits became better; you got the chance to delve deeper into your team's stories, they gave you better customisation, and expanded the already great soundtrack. The bad bits improved: the combat system was overhauled, making it more tactical, and the UI was redone. You also finally had save slots. Overall, Dragonfall would have been a fantastic send-off for the series.
Yet, there was still more to come. Berlin had won the original poll, but Hong Kong was an extremely close second, so Harebrained launched another Kickstarter in 2015 – this time raising $1.2 million.
继《暗影狂奔》之后,Harebrained 在 Kickstarter 上众筹了《暴战机甲兵(BattleTech)》,这部依然是由 Jordan Weisman 所创作的。他们在 2015 年众筹到了 270 万美元,并且将定于 2018 年进行开发。
After the Shadowrun: Returns and Hong Kong campaigns, Harebrained kickstarted BattleTech, another setting created by Jordan Weisman. They raised $2.7 million in 2015, and released the game in 2018.
《暗影狂奔:香港(Shadowrun: Hong Kong)》于当年下半年发售,并且还有更多的系统改进和游戏调整。至于游戏跟《龙陨》相比是否更加优秀也是因人而异的。《香港》的同伴更多,但同伴之间的关系相较而言不是很紧密,而且虽然故事的规模类似,但是其相较之下显得更小,更紧凑,也更加以家庭为背景核心。
后来开发组再次将一整个完整的战役添加到了《暗影狂奔:香港》中,使再加上常规的修复和打磨,最终发行了《暗影狂奔:香港-拓展版(Shadowrun: Hong Kong-Extended Edition)》。
Harebrained 在这引擎上制作游戏的旅途也已告一段落了,《暗影狂奔:香港》成为了他们留下的这一系列巅峰之作。他们在《龙陨》和《香港》这两款游戏中做到了很多超乎寻常的事情:接手经典的电子游戏,尊重老玩家情怀的同时还加入了新的改动,并且在很多方面都比原版要更加优秀。
编辑器以及 Steam 创意工坊:
Harebrained 为他们所做的每一款《暗影狂奔》都加入了编辑器系统,允许玩家创建新的战役并且通过 Steam 创意工坊分享。强烈推荐《安图布拉(Antumbra)》,《信念的代价(The Price of Conviction)》以及《阴影中来(From the Shadows)》。
Shadowrun: Hong Kong dropped later that year, featuring even more system refinements and gameplay tweaks. Whether it was better than Dragonfall is mostly a matter of taste – Hong Kong had a larger, mostly less close-knit cast on your team, and though the stakes were of a similar scale, they felt smaller, closer, part of the family-oriented plot.
The developers followed it up yet again by adding Shadows of Hong Kong, a whole extra campaign set after the first, along with the usual fixes and polish, releasing Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition.
Harebrained is on record that they're done with making games on this engine, leaving Shadowrun: Hong Kong as the capstone for the series for the time being. With Dragonfall and Hong Kong in particular, they've done what few have been able to do: take classic video games and not only give respect to players' nostalgia with new entries, but in many ways surpass the originals.
Editor and Steam Workshop:
Harebrained released an editor for each of their Shadowrun games, allowing players to create new adventures and share them via Steam Workshop. We suggest Antumbra, The Price of Conviction and From the Shadows.
2 译者注:这种类型的同伴系统,同伴一般会对各种事情都有自己的见解,除此之外,主角还会跟同伴发展关系,从而推动同伴的个人剧情。

原版游戏中每个任务都会给玩家分配一个特定的 NPC 队友,而《龙陨》则采用了类似 Bioware [2] 的伙伴系统。
The original game assigns specific NPCs each mission, but Dragonfall offers a BioWare-ish cast of fixed companions.

You can hack into terminals, sneaking past security to steal data. Originally turn-based, this became real-time in Hong Kong.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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