我们想给游戏加点新东西,也取得了一些成效,我认为《辐射 4》的射击部分很棒,在游戏内的实际表现也相当不错。虽然一些对话方面的设计明显差强人意,但这样做也是为了完善游戏中互动交流的环节,对比其他方面来说,这部分确实有所不足。我们会采纳玩家社区的反馈意见,并长期打磨不足之处。
We do like to try new things and we have some successes. I think the shooting in Fallout 4 is really good – I think it plays really well. Obviously the way we did some dialogue stuff, that didn't work as well. But I know the reasons we tried that – to make a nice interactive conversation – but [it was] less successful than some other things in the game. For us, we take that feedback. I think long-term.
Todd Howard,
《辐射 4》创意总监Todd Howard,
Fallout 4's creative director

《辐射 4》使用了一个电影化的、BioWare 式的对话系统,配有全程语音但文字量少得可怜的对话轮。
Fallout 4 goes for a cinematic, BioWare-like dialogue system, with fully voiced dialogues and their own, poor take on the Dialogue Wheel.
即使《辐射 4》不被老辐射的光环影响,它作为一款伪装成角色扮演类游戏的开放世界射击游戏,并没有将游戏中的各个元素合理地结合起来,反而盲目地追求现代潮流,完全不符合辐射系列的整体气质。
诚然,《辐射 4》的射击体验是从《辐射 3》以来的最大提升,也是游戏中最大的亮点,然而在 B 社接手后,却对系列充满策略性的战斗设计手足无措。最终带来了灾难性的游戏体验:玩家只需要对着同一个敌人的脑壳疯狂开枪,伴有“酷炫”的动画特效,哇哦。
《辐射 4》中据点建造是最具特色的玩法之一,但这个系统与游戏其它部分完全割裂。玩家可以重建整个废土,但什么也不会改变。所以建造系统就是个臃肿且与主要内容毫无干系的小游戏。
游戏主线剧情很努力地去尝试创造一个戏剧性的剧本,描写关于玩家所爱之人和人类本性的故事,但因为《辐射 4》的沙盒式设计,玩家必须在任务点间来回奔走,射烂目光所及之处的敌人,把任何可以带走的东西塞进背包,从叙事方面来看,这挺悲剧性的。
But even ignoring this series' roots, the most recurring element within this open-world shooter masquerading as a role-playing game is the complete, almost desperate, lack of direction when it comes to how it is put together. It chases after modern trends, instead of chiselling them into a coherent product.
The more polished shooting mechanics – greatly improved since Fallout 3 – are contrasted with the statistical nature of the combat, which Bethesda inherited but doesn't know how to handle. The result is a dreadful game experience, where you'll keep pumping the same enemy with dozens of head shots which the animations try to meaningfully sell.
One of Fallout 4's most publicised features, the ability to build your own settlements, is entirely disconnected from the rest of the game. You could rebuild the entire wasteland and nothing would change, relegating the entire affair to a bloated mini-game rather than something that was meant to work in tandem with the game's other elements.
The main quest tries so hard to come up with dramatic hooks regarding one of your loved ones or the nature of being human, yet they fail so completely due to existing in a sandbox designed for the player to run for hours on end from building to building, shooting and looting everything in sight.
2017 年 8 月,贝塞斯达发布了“创造引擎俱乐部(Creation Club)”,这是一个由官方推出的模组售卖服务平台。
In August 2017, Bethesda released the Creation Club, a service that sells mods curated by the company.
就我个人看来,单拎《辐射 4》任何一个元素出来都有可能做成一款优秀的游戏,但胡乱堆砌流行元素可没法做出好游戏。它,食之无味,弃之可惜。
非官方《辐射 4》补丁(Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch):修复了被开发者放弃的数百个 bug,玩家必备。
完整对话界面(Full Dialogue Interface):使对话选项完整显示角色台词,而不是只显示一部分。
DEF_UI:类似《上古卷轴》系列的 UI,极大优化了在键鼠操作下的《辐射 4》UI。
Armoursmith Extended:一个超棒的 Mod,丰富了护甲自定义选项,支持混搭。
Sim Settlements:对游戏内的据点建造系统进行了大刀阔斧的改良,建立好的据点会自动扩张,这个大型 Mod 甚至有它自己的扩展包。
The entire experience of travelling the wasteland that this game presents is one of mixing a dozen different puzzle sets and then trying to make them fit; it is an experience of witnessing developer exasperation as they work on something that works against itself.
My personal feelings are that all of the elements in Fallout 4 could be part of a great game, but no great game can come from the way these elements are used – only digestible mediocrity, which has been achieved in spades here.
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch: Fixes hundreds of bugs left by the developers. A must-have for any player.
Full Dialogue Interface: Makes dialogue options display the full text characters will say, not just short lines.
DEF_UI: Similar to Skyrim’s SkyUI, it greatly improves the game’s UI to work with mouse and keyboard.
Armoursmith Extended: An excellent mod that gives players more options and control over their armour, allowing you to mix and match multiple layers.
Sim Settlements: Overhauls how settlements work, making settlers build and expand it by themselves. This massive mod has its own expansion packs.

Weapons and armour now have multiple parts and can be customised using scrap and the new crafting system.

You can build settlements using scrap collected all over the wasteland. While initially engaging, it lacks in impact.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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