那种在砍杀游戏中获得的乐趣已经在很多游戏中得到了体现,这让那些并不完全熟悉动作游戏的玩家们有机会获得强力的掉落装备,游戏的吸引力也因玩家体验的优化而提升。玩家们愿意长时间地反复游玩游戏,许多受苦游戏(masocore titles)呈现出的普遍问题也得到了缓解。
The enjoyment that can be had from hack and slash games has been demonstrated in many titles, and it also gives players that are not fully accustomed to action games the chance to receive good equipment drops, broadening the appeal of the game by streamlining their experience. This also allows the player to enjoy playing the game over and over again for a long period of time, easing a common issue in many masocore titles.
安田文彦(Fumihiko Yasuda)
《仁王》《仁王 2》总监Fumihiko Yasuda,
Nioh 1 & 2's Director

Stances offers a lot of depth. Beginners can just focus on a favorite stance, while advanced players can mix them mid-combo, starting an attack with the powerful high stance, then switching to low for a faster dodge.
剧情在主线任务间以宏大(甚至很复杂)的电影化叙事展开,虽然威廉可以与 NPC 互动,但在对话和选择方面却没什么可做的,《仁王》是一款直截了当的线性游戏,但内容却很充实。
玩家可以进入世界地图,随着剧情的推进逐步解锁任务。其中一些是支线任务,但所有任务都可以反复游玩(独自进行或是用常世同行功能联机)。每个区域都有不同路线和收集品,大多数任务最后都是一场艰难的 Boss 战。
游戏主要乐趣在于探索复杂的新区域,面对愈发强大和奇怪的敌人,因此 DLC 带来的新内容很受玩家欢迎。
Finally, William can also summon one of several Guardian Spirits to give himself an edge, with more powerful attacks and a brief period of invulnerability.
The narrative unfolds in grand (even convoluted) cinematics between story missions, and while William can interact with NPCs, there is not much to do in terms of dialogue or choice. Nioh is a straightforward, linear game, but filled to the brim with content.
Players have access to an overworld map that gradually unlocks missions as the story progresses. Some of them are optional, but all of them can be replayed (alone or in a summon-based co-op session). Each area has different routes and collectibles, and most of the missions end in tough boss fights.
The endgame consists of running through the game again and again on higher difficulties. A largely inconsequential clan-like system is running in the background, yielding some extra rewards if the player is on the right team, and there are still more multiple smaller features to discover, such as fighting fallen players, completing dojo challenges, finding hot springs, breaking down and crafting equipment, and so on. For a casual playthrough, these are not strictly necessary.
Since the main appeal is exploration of intricate new areas and facing increasingly tougher and weirder enemies, the added variety from the DLCs is welcome.
不出所料,《仁王》很快就公布了续作,在第一部两年后正式发行。游戏缺点十分明显:资源、动画甚至关卡都是直接照搬前作,但这似乎无伤大雅。《仁王 2》全盘吸收并发扬了前作最出色的核心特色——它更有吸引力,重点更加突出,功能更加完善。
玩家用完全个性化的角色开局,使得本作向硬核 RPG 靠拢。变化成多种妖怪(yokai)的新能力让玩家可以使用妖怪技和妖反,战斗系统因此变得更加丰富。
随着游戏重点完全放在角色个性化和战斗上,续作的整体基调从史实向架空(甚至荒诞)转变。这些改变很符合《仁王 2》紧张的游戏节奏,和前作相比更加多样化和难以预料。但尽管有这些改变,它仍让人感到和前作太过相似。
不论如何,《仁王 1&2》都是打磨细致、内容丰富的动作 RPG。它们为一个更具创新性,生命力更持久的系列打下了坚实基础。
The updates also add new cosmetic options, so those who found William uninteresting, can switch to a more appealing charatcer skins.
Unsurprisingly, a sequel to Nioh was quickly announced, released only two years after the first game. There are obvious drawbacks: assets, animations, even levels are unapologetically lifted from the first game, but that's maybe beside the point. Nioh 2 fully embraces and expands upon the best core features of the first game – it feels sharper, more focused and feature-complete.
Players start with a fully customizable character, nudging the series more towards hardcore RPG territory, and the new abilities to turn into various yōkai adds a new layer to the combat system, with wild demonic abilities and the power to counter attacks.
With the emphasis fully on character customization and combat, the sequel's overall tone shifted from historical toward the fantastic (even nonsensical). These changes are a good fit for Nioh 2's hectic gameplay. The result is a more dynamic and unpredictable variant of the first game, but despite the improvements, it can still feel too familiar.
In any case, both Nioh and its sequel are polished and content-rich action-RPGs; together they form a solid foundation for a hopefully more innovative, longer series.

The complex loot system brings features such as coloured rarity tiers, sets, forging, reforging stats and changing appearance.

《仁王 2》的主人公是个性化定制的,可以妖怪化,并使用已取得的敌人技能阻挡特定的攻击。
Nioh 2’s main character is customizable and can turn into a yōkai, using adquired enemy skills and countering specific attacks.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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