起初我有点害怕,我担心我们没有足够的想法来支撑支线任务设计。我们真的能做 50 个发生在中世纪村庄里而且没有怪物的任务吗?事实证明,我们可以。我们关于任务设计的想法到最后都已经用不完了。而我认为它们相较于其他 RPG 游戏来说,要更加有趣。
I was a little bit afraid at first. I worried that we would not have enough ideas for side quests. Can we really do 50 quests based in medieval villages without monsters? It turns out, we can. We have more ideas for quests than we can use and I think they are interesting, more so than in other RPGs.
Daniel Vávra
Warhorse Studios 的合伙人Daniel Vávra,
co-founder of Warhorse Studios

Dialogs allow you to use your speech skill, money, social status or your physical power to persuade others. Things like your reputation and clothes are also factored in.
但不要因此就认为这个游戏只是一场无聊的历史讲座。你觉得 Warhorse 制作的是一个干巴巴的无聊游戏,还忘了在里面加点乐子?那可就大错特错了。
游戏中经常被忽略的最大的亮点就是战斗系统了。《天国:拯救》的战斗是围绕着中世纪战斗手册开发的。如果你看过 HEMA [2] 的录像,那么你就会对游戏中的战斗系统有一个很好的理解。在这个时代,游戏都把他们的武器做的像激光剑一样——武器直接穿过敌人身体,然后产生一个代表伤害的数字。而《天国:拯救》的战斗做了一些不同的尝试,并且更加贴近现实。
Another personal favorite involved investigating and breaking up a coin counterfeiting operation, based entirely on how people in the middle ages would do it.
But don't think for a second this game is the experience of a tedious history lecture, that Warhorse forgot to include fun and released a dry and somewhat dull product – this couldn't be farther from the truth.
Henry is not a generic blank slab for you to project yourself onto – he's a bit of a lad, and the tone of KC:D expertly does deep seriousness and comedic silliness many times throughout the side and main quests in the game. You will go on drinking benders, then steal wine to keep the party going in separate quests. You will drop psychedelics and party with “witches” and much more. I found myself chuckling along at many of the humorous surprises the game throws at you, and very invested in the more serious stuff.
The biggest elephant in the room is the combat. KC:D's combat is focused around medieval fighting manuals – if you have ever seen footage of HEMA – Historical European Martial Arts – then you'll have a good understanding. In a genre where most melee weapons function like lightsabers – passing through enemies and assigning damage based on numbers, KC:D's combat tries for something different and much more realistic.
在这个世界中,所有的一切都是那么真实。它有着自《上古卷轴 3:晨风》(Morrowind)以来 CRPG 从未出现过的真实感。它给你一种身处现实,却又有一丝异样色彩的感觉。即使你看过《指环王》(Lord of the Rings)和《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones),或是玩过《上古卷轴 5:天际》(Skyrim)和《上古卷轴 4:湮没》(Oblivion),你对《天国:拯救》仍然会感到一丝丝的陌生。它们在一些细节的地方类似,但是在太多太多其他方面,《天国:拯救》是如此的独特,又是如此的优秀。
That's not to mean that KC:D's combat is very punishing, but it does require patience. You will need to feint, block, parry, slam into an enemy to knock them off their guard, etc – otherwise you will simply be slowly taken apart by any encounter. And there's no pausing to instantly drink 30 health potions.
That doesn't mean there aren't potions – one of many concessions to the video game medium – but they are something you must prepare beforehand. And the strict save system means you can't save constantly, so it's important to always be prepared, have well-kept equipment and good fencing skills. It's an imperfect system – combos are worthless, for example – but it's a rare attempt to actually have sword-fighting in games that tries to be like the real thing, and one hopes that further development on this concept is coming in future releases, because it has potential, for sure.
All of this, in this world, feels real. It has an authenticity that hasn't been seen in CRPGs since Morrowind. It truly feels like a realized and somewhat alien world – you won't feel right at home coming here from watching Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones, or from playing Skyrim and Oblivion – it will feel like those things in some small ways, but in many, many others, it will feel like something completely different – and truly excellent.
2 译者注:欧洲历史武技(Historical European Martial Arts),简称HEMA。广义指历史上起源于欧洲的武术系统,狭义是指那些已然失传或者演化成多种现代体育形式,后人通过历史文稿以及资料记载"重构"而成的武术系统。HEMA 主要研究的是在各种不同的战斗场景下(例如敌我双方是否着甲,场地是战场、决斗场或者日常防身,主要进行一对一还是一对多等)不同武器的使用方式。同种武器的使用方式可能根据场景、历史时期、地域流派的不同而呈现不同的形态。囊括内容有徒手、匕首、长剑、武装剑、砍刀、迅捷剑,剑盾、斧锤、长柄武器、军刀等常规及非常规器械,甚至部分农用器具等。

Despite having no races, classes or spells, KC:D has a rich character system, with many stats, skills, perks and layers of armor.

While the map helps track objectives, many of the quests require following rumors and investigating large areas for clues.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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