I want there to be fictional universes that talk about our own real life experiences. About the political problems we're facing, the geopolitical structures around us, the problems of the modern world, etc. Universes which don't leave us feeling numb, alone, and abandoned after we have finished exploring them. Which give us the strength to carry on with our lives, instead of making us feel empty to the point where we say, ‘Oh my god, I want to go back to the land of the Elves, but I can't; I've already seen it all'.
Robert Kurvitz
《极乐迪斯科》首席设计师/编剧Robert Kurvitz,
Disco Elysium's Lead designer/writer

There are hundreds of skill checks in Disco Elysium. The chances of success can be improved under certain conditions, but the game pushes players to accept their failures and the unique outcomes they bring.
《极乐迪斯科》的虚构时代背景融合了“咆哮的二十年代”[1] 与七十年代,其中穿插了一些苏联与欧洲殖民帝国的暗示,世界观复杂而沉重。在我游玩的过程中,这些设定徐徐展开的过程是最令我眼前一亮的体验之一。一部分原因是因为游戏开发者们来自爱沙尼亚,他们以一种既悲观又乐观的方式表达了自己的政治立场,这在西方的 CRPG 中难得一见。
《极乐迪斯科》不仅仅与政治诉求有关。本文开头引用了首席编剧在 2019 年接受的一段采访,他解释说,他们希望本作能与人们的真实生活经历和现代社会的顽疾密切相关。通过游玩本游戏,人们也许能从中受益,以全新的方式面对逃避主义,解决我们在现实世界中遇到的难题。
The fictional world of Disco Elysium, a blend of the roaring twenties and the seventies with hints of soviet republics and Europe's colonial empires, has a complex and gloomy history. Learning about it was one of the main highlights of my playthroughs, in part because the Estonian background of the developers allows for a political approach new to western CRPGs – a tone that is both melancholic and hopeful.
What Disco Elysium has to say is not just about politics. In a 2019 interview (quoted above), its lead writer explained that he wanted the game to be about our own real life experiences and the problems of modern society. It was supposed to give us a new way to engage in escapism, to give us tools to deal with our world.
It may sound ludicrous, but the game actually succeeds at energizing us instead of sapping our strength. The masterful soundtrack helps, as it sparks positive emotions and a deep, blissful melancholy. But mostly, it's all due to the loser theme. Since Disco Elysium's hero starts as a total failure, every little step in another direction feels like a victory.
And if the embarrassment of the loser cop sometimes echoes our own, then it makes sense that his positive emotions also echo our own, like when we realize that we aren't struggling alone: in life or in games, nobody supported me better than lieutenant Kim Kitsuragi, a companion that looks like a cold, by-the-book cop at first and becomes much, much more.
《极乐迪斯科》的背景设定原本是 Robert Kurvitz 为一款桌面 RPG 游戏设计的。他还把同样的背景设定用在了 2013 年发布的一本小说中,小说名为《神圣而可怕的空气》(Sacred and Terrible Air)。
Disco Elysium's setting was originally created by Robert Kurvitz for a tabletop RPG campaign. The setting was also used by him on a 2013 novel, called Sacred and Terrible Air.
当然了,游戏并不是完美无瑕的:本作没有传统 CRPG 中的战斗要素,只有以对话文本为基础的战斗,有些玩家可不喜欢这点。还有人认为游戏的换装系统过于冗余——过技能检定之前,你可以通过换衣服来获得一点点加成。
最让我困惑的是思维阁(thought cabinet)系统。这是游戏的核心创意之一:设计一套可以装备思维的物品栏机制,以解锁更多的对话选项。有了思维阁,我们的主角可能就会痴迷于扮演超级巨星,或是滔滔不绝地谈论一位名为一击即溃 · 迈克(Contact Mike)的拳击手,一有机会就要提起他的故事。理论上来看,这套系统很棒,很好地展现出了游戏特色——能为玩家的选择提供丰富多样的反馈。然而,我只觉得这些思维的效果过于花哨了,往好了说是有些隐晦难懂,往坏了说就是令人摸不着头脑了。
但总的来说,这一切都瑕不掩瑜。从世界观的构建方面来说,鲜少有游戏能媲美《极乐迪斯科》,更不要说能像本作一样传达出如此深刻的思想和情感了。不过,本游戏最为成功之处应当还是它的文本:如此有趣、充满新意、令人着迷的文字为所有的 CRPG 制作人树立了新的行业标杆。没错,本游戏的确不含战斗要素。但如果每段对话都能让你愉快地挣扎许久,那还需要冲怪物开枪么?
Not everything in the game is done so brilliantly: some players resent the absence of traditional CRPG battles, replaced here by dialogue-based fights. Others have criticized the clothing system that encourages to swap clothes to gain a small bonus before a skill-check.
What bothered me the most was the thought cabinet, one of the game's flagship ideas: an inventory where topics can be equipped to unlock new dialogue options. With the thought cabinet, the hero can become obsessed with having a superstar attitude or talking about a boxer named Contact Mike, bringing it up all the time. On paper, it's great and showcases the game's exceptional reactivity. However, I found the various effects these ideas have to be opaque at best, and confusing at worst.
Overall, these flaws don't really matter: they are mere drops in a sea of excellence. Few games are as sharp in their world-building as Disco Elysium; fewer still are able to convey such emotions and depth. But perhaps the greatest success of the game lies in its texts: they are so unbelievably funny, original and enthralling that they give all CRPG developers something new to aim for. Sure, there's still no combat in the game. But when every dialogue is a delightful struggle, who needs to shoot at monsters?
1 译者注:咆哮的二十年代(Roaring Twenties)是指西方世界和西方文化中 1920 年代的十年间。这是一个持续经济繁荣的时期,在美国和西欧具有独特的文化地位。

The thought cabinet lets you stick ideas in your mind, such as communist views, honour or nostalgia, colouring your world view.

一共有 24 种技能,每种都有自己独特的声音。技能点数不是越高越好,如果受其影响过深,很可能会误入歧途。
There are 24 skills, each with its own voice. A high skill is not always preferable, as a too strong influence can misguide you.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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