
The dungeons are a highlight. You'll encounter various skill checks, interactions and secrets while exploring.


Upon defeat, your characters' souls are judged. They can be resurrected, destroyed or turned into undead.


In combat, enemies organise themselves in rows, while your party remains on the bottom of the screen.

《幽灵战士 3》拥有更好的游戏画面与部位破坏系统,这使你能够击伤,破坏甚至砍下敌人的肢体部位。

Phantasie III offers improved graphics and locational damage – you can injure, break or even cut off limbs.

《幽灵战士》系列战斗频率和难度都很高。游戏的战斗系统为回合制,它的战斗形式与好几年之后才推出的《最终幻想(Final Fantasy)》十分相似。本系列的前两作的战斗系统是完全相同的,在第三部中对这个系统进行了加强,加入了远程武器和部位破坏系统。

系列中并非所有的战斗都是随机的,玩家还会遭遇许多独特的事件:比如第一部里有一种叫做 J.R. 特罗金(J.R.Trolkin)的生物,这显然是制作者对 J.R.R. 托尔金(J.R.R.Tolkien)的致敬。

However, few encounters are so benign, and combat is an ever-present reality in the Phantasie series. The battle system is phase-based with enemies organised in rows and closely resembles the early Final Fantasy games, which arrived several years later. This system is the same in the first two games, but it's improved with the addition of ranged weapons and the ability to hit different body locations in the third game.

Not all battles are random though, and there are many unique encounters to experience in the games, such as a creature called J.R. Trolkin in the first game, an obvious homage to J.R.R. Tolkien.

更令人难忘的还是在《幽灵战士 2(1986)》中登场的冥王的仆从们:被冥王当作宠物的九只独特又强大的凶兽。

而在经历了这一切之后,我们将会在《幽灵战士 3(1987)》中与尼卡德摩斯进行最终对决。尽管本系列中大多数剧情都是线性的,但在最终战开打前,玩家们可以进行选择:他们是应该消灭尼卡德摩斯,被宙斯封为英雄;还是应该背叛伍德领主,成为冥王的帮凶呢?这将由玩家自己来决定。

More memorable though are Pluto's Minions from Phantasie II (1986), a collection of nine unique and challenging monsters whom Pluto keeps as pets.

This all leads to a final confrontation with Nikademus in Phantasie III (1987). Though the series is mostly linear, players are presented with a choice before the final battle. Should they defeat Nikademus and be hailed as heroes by Zeus, or should they betray Lord Wood and side with Pluto? You decide.


《幽灵战士》系列由日本 Star Craft Inc 引进,他们做了不少改动:如改变了美术风格并使用了横版战斗画面。游戏在日本取得了成功,随后温斯顿・伍德于 1991 年前往日本开发了《幽灵战士 4:英雄诞生(Phantasie IV: Birth of Heroes)》,这一部至今仍未在西方发行。

MSX 平台上日版《幽灵战士》的横版战斗画面(左侧),以及日版独占的《幽灵战士》(右侧)

Japanese Games:

The Phantasie series was localised in Japan by Star Craft Inc. Several changes were made, such as altering the art style and using a side-view combat screen. The games were a success, and in 1991 Winston Wood travelled to Japan to develop Phantasie IV: Birth of Heroes, which remains unreleased in the West.

The side-view battle interface of the Japanese Phantasie MSX port (left), and the Japan-only Phantasie IV (right).

《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息

英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)

这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。

《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明



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