We had a 'hunch' that Dungeon Master would do OK. I guess because we felt we were trying to do a type of game that had never been done before. That is a game that blends real-time action with a rich environment to play in. I guess the closest analogue to what we were trying to do was to create the dungeon equivalent of a 'flight simulator'.
Wayne Holder,
《迷宫魔兽》的制作人Wayne Holder,
Dungeon Master's producer

The various attacks have different speeds and power. Characters can also throw their weapons and pretty much anything in their inventory.
《迷宫魔兽》紧随其后的续作是《混沌逆袭(Dungeon Master: Chaos Strikes Back,1989)》,它起初被宣传为游戏资料片,但后来作为一个独立的游戏发布。它允许您从第一部中导入角色,还附带了 Champion Editor 工具,该工具允许玩家逐个像素的创造自定义角色的名称和肖像。
《混沌逆袭》就像是给前作打了激素,有更致命的敌人,难度更高的谜题,以及可能是有史以来最复杂的 3D 地牢,所有 13 个关卡通过许多楼梯和坑洞相互连接。在我看来,这是 CRPG 实时 blobber 子类型的终极游戏。我有史以来最好的游戏时刻之一是在一个既有迷雾般的墙壁又有龙的地方。与我的角色不同的是,龙可以透过墙壁看到我的角色,甚至可以透过墙壁喷火。但我能听到每一条龙的脚步声,这意味着我可以通过声音找到它们,然后在迷雾的墙壁旁跳“两步舞”来打败它!
DM was followed by Chaos Strikes Back (1989), at first advertised as an expansion, but then released as a stand-alone game. It allowed you to import your characters from DM and also came with a Champion Editor tool, which allowed players to customise the Champions' names and portraits – pixel by pixel.
Chaos Strikes Back was like Dungeon Master on steroids, with even more deadly enemies, fiendish puzzles and possibly the most intricate 3D dungeon ever created, with all 13 levels interconnected via numerous stairs and pits. In my opinion, it was the ultimate game in the real-time blobber sub-genre of CRPGs. One of my best gaming moments ever was on a level containing both illusory walls and dragons. Unlike me, the dragons could see through the walls, and even breath fire through them. But I could hear each dragon stomping about, which meant I could locate them by sound and then do the “Two Step Dance” though the illusory walls!
* 《迷宫魔兽》仍然有一个活跃的粉丝社区,为游戏移植了各种版本(Windows ,Java,Mac 和 Linux),还有一些游戏工具和一百多个自定义地牢。您可以访问他们的网站 www.dungeon-master.com
* Dungeon Master still has an active community of fans that created various ports (Windows, Java, Mac and Linux), tools and over a hundred custom dungeons for DM. Visit them at www.dungeon-master.com
后来的 RPG 会有更漂亮和更多样的画面,更多的故事和更好的与 NPC 之间互动,但没有一个能与《迷宫魔兽》和《混沌逆袭》的关卡设计和谜题相媲美。
《迷宫魔兽》是游戏史上的一个里程碑,它创造了一个新的 CRPG 类型,并激发了其它开发者的灵感——即使在 1992 年《地下创世纪(Ultima Underworld)》以自然进化的方式出现之后。然而,所有的实时 blob 游戏都走进了进化的死胡同——尽管其中一些游戏很有趣,但对我来说,它们都是在《迷宫魔兽》和《混沌逆袭》后的回光返照罢了。
Later RPGs would have prettier and more varied graphics, and have more of a story and better NPC interaction, but none could rival the level design and puzzles of Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back.
Another thing that set DM and CSB apart from later games is the interaction with the environment, from using doors and traps, to chopping and fireballing doors, to something as basic as throwing things through bars. For example, in DM a fireball actually has a physical presence in the dungeon and can burn wooden doors or be sent through teleporters.
Dungeon Master is a landmark in gaming history, creating a new CRPG sub-genre and inspiring dozens of clones – even after Ultima Underworld appeared in 1992 with a natural evolution of the formula. However, all the real-time blobbers that followed were evolutionary dead ends; even though some of them were fun to play, for me they were all anti-climaxes after Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back.

If the dangers of the dungeon weren't enough, players still have to keep all their characters fed and hydrated.

Spells are cast by inputting the correct runes at the right side of the screen – if your character has enough skill.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明