我 [在重制游戏时] 遇到的最大挑战之一就是尊重曾经的自己。我会觉得这里太蠢了,那里崩掉了或者失控了,但我还是要相信曾经的自己,相信喜欢这个游戏的粉丝,然后保留原样。
One of the biggest challenges [in remaking games] I've had is to just respect my younger self, to look at something and say, that's dumb, that's broken, that's out of control, and then just trust my younger self and trust my fans who loved this game and leave it be.
Jeff Vogel,
《放逐》作者,Spiderweb Software 创始人Jeff Vogel,
Exile's creator and Spiderweb Software's founder

Exile's combat is turn-based, with a party of up to six characters. Its remakes would keep the high difficulty, but reduce the party to four characters.
《放逐》最初是以共享软件的形式发布的。它的发布时间很完美,因为 1995 年新出的优秀 CRPG 寥寥无几。虽然 90 年代中期的游戏一般采用等距视角和第一人称,但许多玩家仍对《创世纪 5(Ultima V)》的俯视角记忆犹新。
事实上,Vogel 继承并改进了《创世纪 5》的战斗模式,使得《放逐》作为战术 RPG 比同时代的游戏乃至《创世纪》系列都更为优秀。这对于完全由一人制作的游戏来说是相当不错的成就。
《放逐》成功后,续作《放逐 2:水晶之魂(Exile II: Crystal Souls, 1996)》和《放逐 3:世界末日(Exile III: Ruined World, 1997)》相继推出。《放逐 2》体量更大,也有更多的角色创建选项;《放逐 3》则在大小和情节转折上都远超前两作。《放逐外传(Blades of Exile)》于同年发布,增加了三段短剧情和一个游戏编辑器,为游戏带来了庞大的 mod 社区,至今仍留有网站和 mod。
Originally released as shareware, Exile came out at the perfect time, as you can count the amount of worthwhile CRPGs published in 1995 on one hand. Although isometric and first-person games were the norm during the mid-90s, many players still fondly remembered Ultima V's top-down graphics.
In fact, Vogel took many aspects of Ultima V's combat and improved upon them, making Exile a much better tactical RPG than its contemporaries – and the Ultima games themselves. Not a bad accomplishment for a game made entirely by one man.
It's success led to Exile II: Crystal Souls (1996), a larger sequel with more character creation options, and Exile III: Ruined World (1997), which blew its two predecessors out of the water in size and plot twists. Blades of Exile was released in the same year, adding three short scenarios and a game editor, creating a large modding community that still has websites and modules in existence today.
《放逐》三部曲广受欢迎,得到了 Spiderweb 的两次重制,每次都使用了更为先进的游戏引擎。
第一次是 2000 年的《阿佛纳姆(Avernum)》。Vogel 更新了界面,将游戏变为等距视角,扩展了剧情,并将地底世界从“放逐之地”更名为“阿佛纳姆”。重制原本的三部曲后,Spiderweb 又发布了三部《阿佛纳姆》续作,以及游戏编辑器《阿佛纳姆外传(Blades of Avernum)》。
2011 年,Vogel 发布了《阿佛纳姆:地穴逃生(Avernum: Escape from the Pit)》,再次更新了画质和界面,重写了剧情并增加了新的支线。正如 Sade 所说,第一次永远是最好的;虽然 Jeff Vogel 在过去 20 年间制作了很多好游戏,但我认为《放逐》三部曲还是最棒的。
原版《放逐》三部曲现已免费,可以在 Spiderweb 官网上下载,没理由不去试试。
The popularity of the story led Spiderweb to revisit and update the original trilogy twice with more technically advanced game engines.
The first was in 2000, with Avernum. Vogel updated the interface, made graphics isometric, expanded the story and renamed the underground world of Exile to Avernum. After remaking the original trilogy, Spiderweb created three more Avernum games, and a Blades of Avernum game editor.
In 2011, Vogel released Avernum: Escape from the Pit, once again updating the graphics and interface, rewriting the story and adding new side-content. As Sade says, it's never as good as the first time, as I consider the Exile trilogy to be the best series authored by Jeff Vogel despite the many other great works he has developed through the last two decades.
The original Exile trilogy is freeware now, freely available on Spiderweb's website, so prestigious gamers have no reason not to give it a go.

The first remake, Avernum (2000), was also released as shareware, and eventually became a six-game series.

Avernum: Escape from the Pit (2011) is a remake of a remake, but also a great entry point for modern gamers.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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