Most titles run their course because they can only be played so many times before becoming repetitive. That cannot be said about NetHack. People who have been playing the game for years still get excited when something good happens to them, when they ascend, when they discover something that the dev team thought of that impresses them.
– Paul Winner,
《迷宫骇客》开发团队成员– Paul Winner,
NetHack's developer

The complexity of NetHack is legendary – it has hundreds of items, monsters, effects and variables, yet they all interact with each other in logical ways. This led to a popular mantra among players: “the dev team thinks of everything”.
《迷宫骇客》是一款开源游戏,这导致了一些变体的诞生,粉丝制作的版本试图弥补它的一些缺陷或往里添加新功能。有几个变种:《迷宫骇客:下一代(NetHack: Next Generation)》添加了一个“极客”类设计和许多道格拉斯・亚当斯(Douglas Adams)的引用;UnNetHack 改进了 UI 并增加了随机性以增加多样性;Slash'EM Extended 则为游戏添加了更多内容,如新职业和新种族等。
大多数变体,往往是粉丝们以制作 mod 的方式来实现,甚至比原版游戏更难,更严重的甚至依赖于修改器。其中最受欢迎的更改有时还会被开发人员采用,拿回到初始版本中使用。
虽然很多玩家更喜欢 ASCII 图形的效率,但《迷宫骇客》附带了使用图形图块进行游玩的选项。有许多自定义选项,并且粉丝还创建了Vulture's Eye 客户端,该客户端提供了 GUI,音乐和等距外观的修改。
NetHack is an open-source game, and this has resulted in the creation of several variants, fan-made versions that seek to remedy some of its flaws or add new features. There are several variants: NetHack: The Next Generation, adds a “geek” class and many Douglas Adams references; UnNetHack improves the UI and ramps up randomness to increase variety; Slash'EM Extended adds even more stuff to the game, like new classes and races; and so on.
Most variants, as tends to be the way of fans making mods, are even harder than the original game, and are even more heavily reliant on spoilers. The most popular of these changes are sometimes adopted by the developers back into the original game.
While many players prefer the efficiency of the ASCII graphics, NetHack comes with the option to play using a graphical tileset. There are many custom ones, and fans have also created the Vulture's Eye client, which provides a GUI, music and an isometric look.
Newcomers should check the handy beginner's guide on www.nethackwiki.com. It provides important tips without going into spoilers. Having a list with the keyboard commands is also advisable.
《迷宫骇客》是《骇客(Hack)》的继承者,Hack 是 1982 年 Jay Fenlason 在大学期间创建的Rogue 变种。1987 年,开发团队重新编写了Hack,并在 Usenet(早期的 Internet 新闻组)上发布了它,并添加了“Net”前缀。虽然此后的更新不定期,但游戏仍在积极开发中——2016 年底,他们在中断 6 年后发布了 3.6.0 版。
NetHack is a descendant of Hack, a 1982 variant of Rogue created by Jay Fenlason during college. In 1987 the dev team re-wrote Hack and released it on the Usenet (an early Internet), adding the “Net” prefix. While updates have been irregular since then, the game is still under active development – in late 2016, they released version 3.6.0 after a hiatus of six years.
The dev team is devoted but busy, and mortality has begun to take its toll. With over thirty years of history on their backs, team members who were college students when they began working on NetHack are now in their fifties, or older. While its original members age, as do all human beings, the team has brought in a steady supply of new blood, some of them creators of balance variants, and so new ideas have infiltrated the game.
What will NetHack become under the stewardship of these newcomers? Not even the Oracle may say with certainty.

《迷宫骇客》还支持各种图块集,这些图块集可替代 ASCII 图形,使新手更容易使用。
NetHack also supports a variety of tilesets, which replace the ASCII graphics and make things easier for newcomers.

Vulture's Eye 是一款免费工具,可为《迷宫骇客》及其变体添加图形,声音效果,音乐和图形界面。
Vulture's Eye is a free tool that adds graphics, sound effects, music and a graphical interface to NetHack and its variants.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明